Homework #5: User Study, Revision, and Final Report
Start: Fri, Dec 6
Hand in: Fri, Dec 13
Group Project
Counts for 30% of final grade.
- Revise your sites based on the heuristic evaluations of others. In your
report, discuss what you changed and didn't change as a result of the
heuristic analysis.
- Each group must find one user who is not in class to be their test user.
(If you don't know someone to ask, we will help you find someone--send email
to the TA).
- Perform a user test of your site. This will be a
"think aloud" test. Plan for
your user to perform three tasks. Write down your “script”— what
you will tell the user about what you are doing and what you would like
him/her to do.
While your user goes through the tasks, you should observe and make detailed
records of what he or she did and said, step by step. With
his or her permission, you can tape record or video the session.
- Note
any usability problems discovered. Rate the problems by scope and severity.
- It would be good to update your system as a result of the user
tests. Describe what changes were made a result, and what changes should be
made in the future.
Turn in a report
which includes:
- The changes made and not made as a result of the heuristic analysis and
why or why not made.
The instructions to users for the usability
test (the script).
Your notes from the
user testing session.
A list of the usability problems discovered,
along with the scope and severity of each problem.
Changes that were made as a result of
the user tests, and what changes that should be
made in the future.
Pictures from your final version of your site.
- Prepare a 10-minute presentation about your site and what you learned from
the user tests to be
presented in class on Fri, Dec 13.
- For your presentation in class, you can display your site using your laptop.
- You can make overheads or have slides on the web somewhere to discuss:
what changes were made as a result of the user tests.
- Remember it must only last 10 minutes! (You should practice!)
We will be grading from the hardcopy, so be sure
to turn a hardcopy in on-time in class.
- Email the report to bam+hw@cs.cmu.edu, and
- Turn in a hardcopy of the report as well on Dec 13.
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