Homework # 1: User, Task & Competitive Analysis
Start: Wed, July 7
Hand in: Wed, July 14
Group Project
Counts for 5% of final grade.
See the
homework overview, including the cheating policy.
Each group will be creating a simulated electronic commerce web site
throughout the term for this course.
- Form groups of two (2) or three (3) people. Each group should have at least one
person who can implement web pages using a page editor such as FrontPage. It
will not be necessary to implement a database server behind your
site. Be sure to write your names on the report.
- The site can either be aimed at conventional desktop computer browsers, or
else for Internet wireless devices. In either case, describe the expected
target hardware the users will have.
- As a group, decide on what your site will sell. Describe the project and the
goals for your site from a business and user point of
view. Come up with a top-level name for your site.
- Describe the user characteristics of your expected users and tie
them to what their goals/intent are in approaching the website.
- Carry out competitive analysis of at least two real sites on the WWW that are related to your proposed site. Turn in analysis. Be sure
to list the URLs.
Reports should be authored using Microsoft Word or HTML. If you use HTML,
please create a zip file including the source and all images. Turn in one report
for each group.
We will be grading from the hardcopy, so be sure
to turn in a hardcopy on-time in class.
- Email the report to bam+hw@cs.cmu.edu, and
- Turn in a hardcopy as well on
Wed, July 14.
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