Jan. 17, 2017 |
1. Course organization; Evaluating Tools
See slides for lecture 1
Required Readings:
- Brad A. Myers, Andrew J. Ko, Thomas D. LaToza, and YoungSeok Yoon. "Programmers Are Users Too: Human-Centered Methods for Improving Programming Tools," IEEE Computer, Special issue on UI Design, 49, issue 7, July, 2016, pp. 44-52. IEEE DL or local pdf.
- Brad A. Myers and Jeffrey Stylos, "Improving API Usability", Communications of the ACM, vol 59, No. 6, June, 2016, pp. 62-69,
Official ACM DL entry; html or local pdf.
- Jakob Nielsen, Heuristic Evaluation. On line in html format. Includes list of 10 heuristics.
- Green, T.R.G. and Petre, M., “Usability Analysis of
Visual Programming Environments: A 'Cognitive Dimensions' Framework.” Journal of Visual Languages and Computing, 1996. 7(2): pp.
131-174. ScienceDirect.
Includes an analysis of HyperCard
Recommended Readings:
- Jeffrey Stylos and Brad Myers, "Mapping the Space of API Design
Decisions," 2007 IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and
Human-Centric Computing, VL/HCC'07. Sept 23-27, 2007, Coeur
d'Alene, Idaho. pp. 50-57. ieee or local pdf
- Brian Ellis, Jeffrey Stylos, and Brad Myers. "The Factory
Pattern in API Design: A Usability Evaluation". International
Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE'2007). May 20-26, 2007.
Minneapolis, MN. pp. 302-312. ACM DL or local pdf
- Clarke, Steve, “Measuring API Usability.” Dr. Dobb's
Journal; Special Windows/.NET Supplement, May, 2004. pp. S6-S9.
- Nielsen Text: Chapter 5
(Heuristic Evaluation)
- Jeffrey Stylos, Brad A. Myers. "The Implications of Method
Placement on API Learnability," Sixteenth ACM SIGSOFT Symposium
on Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE 2008). Atlanta, GA,
November 9-14, 2008. 105-112. ACM DL or local pdf
- Jeffrey Stylos and Steven Clarke. "Usability Implications of
Requiring Parameters in Objects' Constructors". International
Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2007). May 20-26,
2007. Minneapolis, MN. pp. 529-539. ACM DL or local pdf
- T.R.G. Green, Cognitive Dimensions of Notations. Cognitive
Dimensions of Notations Resource Site
- Matthew Conway, et. al., "Alice: lessons learned from building a 3D system for novices", CHI'2000. pp. 486-493. ACM DL or see this html summary.
Alice was informed by many user studies over the years.
- Andrew J. Ko and Brad A. Myers. "Finding Causes of Program Output with the Java Whyline", Proceedings CHI'2009: Human Factors in Computing Systems. Boston, MA, April 4-9, 2009. pp. 1569-1578. pdf and video
Start on Homework 1 |
Jan. 19, 2017 |
2. Basic Computer
See slides for lecture 2
Required Readings:
- New Foley & van Dam, pp. 25-40, 52-60
- old Foley & van Dam, pp. 132-134 (color maps)
- These are combined into
one pdf (link only works from CMU or with VPN, but also available on Blackboard under Course Content)
Jan. 24, 2017 |
3. Other Output Models:
Structured Graphics;
Object-Oriented Techniques; Hints for HW2
See slides for lecture 3
Required Readings:
- Brad A. Myers, Richard G. McDaniel, Robert C. Miller, Alan Ferrency,
Andrew Faulring, Bruce D. Kyle, Andrew Mickish, Alex Klimovitski, and
Patrick Doane. "The Amulet Environment: New Models for Effective User
Interface Software Development", IEEE Transactions on Software
Engineering, Vol. 23, no. 6. June, 1997. pp. 347-365. local pdf or IEEE
Explore Ref.
- David S. Kosbie, Brad Vander Zanden, Brad A. Myers, Dario Giuse. "Automatic Graphical Output Management", in Brad A. Myers, editor. The Garnet Compendium: Collected Papers,
1989-1990. Carnegie Mellon University School of Computer Science Technical
Report, no. CMU-CS-90-154, August, 1990. pp. 30-43. pdf.
Optional Readings:
- Brad A. Myers, Dario A. Giuse, and Brad Vander Zanden. "Declarative
Programming in a Prototype-Instance System: Object-Oriented
Programming Without Writing Methods," Proceedings OOPSLA'92: ACM
Conference on Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages, and
Applications. October 18-22, 1992. Vancouver, BC, Canada. SIGPLAN
Notices, vol. 27, no. 10. pp. 184-200. ACM DL Reference.
- Calder, P.R. and Linton, M.A. “Glyphs: Flyweight Objects for User Interfaces,” in Proceedings UIST'90: ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology. 1990. Snowbird, Utah: pp. 92-101. ACM
DL Ref
Jan. 26, 2017 |
Homework 1 Due
Start on Homework 2 |
Jan. 31, 2017 |
Brad away - no class |
Feb 2, 2017 |
4. Why are user interfaces hard to design and implement?
and Types of User Interfaces
See slides for lecture 4
Required Readings:
- Brad A. Myers. "Challenges of HCI Design and Implementation," ACM
Interactions. vol. 1, no. 1. January, 1994. pp. 73-83. ACM
Discusses why user interfaces are important, and why they are hard to
design and implement.
- Brad A. Myers. "A Brief History of Human Computer Interaction Technology." ACM interactions. Vol. 5, no. 2, March, 1998. pp. 44-54. ACM
Recommended Readings:
- Brad A. Myers and Mary Beth Rosson. "Survey on User Interface Programming," Proceedings SIGCHI'92: Human Factors in Computing Systems. Monterrey,
CA, May 3-7, 1992. pp. 195-202. ACM
DL or local copy
Discusses what percent of the time and effort went into the UI part.
- Nielsen Text: Chapters 1, 2 and 3
Amusing Reading:
- Tyson R. Henry, Scott E. Hudson, Andrey K. Yeatts, Brad A. Myers and Steven
Feiner; "A nose gesture interface device: extending virtual
realities," Proceedings of the fourth annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology,
UIST'1991, Pages 65 - 68. ACM
DL or local copy.
Feb. 7, 2017 |
5. Conventional Input
Models for Window Managers and Toolkits
See slides for lecture 5
Required Readings:
- Unfortunately, there are no particularly good readings for this topic, so nothing is "required".
Recommended Readings:
Feb. 9, 2017 |
6. Garnet & Amulet input models: "Interactor" and "Command" Objects
See slides for lecture 6
Required Readings:
- Brad A. Myers. "A New Model for Handling Input," ACM Transactions
on Information Systems, vol. 8, No. 3. July, 1990. pp. 289-320. ACM DL Reference.
- Brad A. Myers and David Kosbie. "Reusable Hierarchical Command
Objects," Proceedings CHI'96: Human Factors in Computing Systems.
Vancouver, BC, Canada. April 14-18, 1996. ACM DL Reference
- Brad A. Myers. "Scripting Graphical Applications by Demonstration," Proceedings CHI'98: Human Factors in Computing Systems. Los
Angeles, CA, April 18-23, 1998. pp. 534-541. ACM DL Reference and local pdf and video. (Topaz)
Optional Readings:
- Brad Myers, David A. Weitzman, Andrew J. Ko, and Duen Horng Chau,
"Answering Why and Why Not Questions in User Interfaces," Proceedings CHI'2006: Human Factors in Computing Systems.
Montreal, Canada, April 22-27, 2006. pp. 397-406. pdf and video
Feb. 14, 2017 |
7. SubArctic and its input models:
(Guest Lecture by Scott Hudson)
See slides for lecture 7
Required Readings:
- Scott E. Hudson, Jennifer Mankoff, Ian Smith. "Extensible Input
Handling in the subArctic Toolkit", CHI'2005. pp. 381 - 390. ACM DL Reference.
- Jennifer Mankoff, Scott E. Hudson, Gregory D. Abowd.
"Providing integrated toolkit-level support for ambiguity in recognition-based interfaces". CHI'2000. pp. 368 - 375. ACM DL Reference.
Optional Readings. The subArctic papers (which cover various specific topics) are:
Homework 2 Due
Start on Homework 3 |
Feb. 16, 2017 |
8. Overview of UI Software and Tools; and Hints for HW3
See slides for lecture 8
Required Readings:
- Brad A. Myers. "Graphical User Interface Programming," chapter 48 of Computer Science Handbook -- Second Edition. Allen B. Tucker, editor in
chief. Boca Raton, FL: Chapman & Hall/CRC Press, Inc., 2004. pp. 48-1 -
48-29. pdf
(This is a revision of Brad A. Myers. "User Interface Software
Tools," ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction. vol. 2, no. 1,
March, 1995. pp. 64-103. ACM DL Reference)
- Brad A. Myers, Scott Hudson and Randy Pausch. "Past Present and Future
of User Interface Software Tools," ACM Transactions on Computer
Human Interaction, (Mar. 2000). Volume 7 , Issue 1. pp. 3-28. ACM DL Reference.
Feb. 21, 2017 |
9. Software Organization: Lexical-Syntax-Semantics, Seeheim
Model, MVC
See slides for lecture 9
Required Readings:
- William Buxton, "Lexical and Pragmatic Considerations of Input
Structures," Computer Graphics, January, 1983, (17)1, pp. 31-37. (lexical,
syntactic, semantic, etc.). html
- Glenn Krasner and Stephen T. Pope, "A Cookbook for Using the
Model-View-Controller User Interface Paradigm in Smalltalk-80", Journal of Object-Oriented Programming (JOOP). August-September,
1988. vol. 1, no. 3. pp. 26-49. pdf scan at UCI
Optional Readings:
- Mark Green, "Report on Dialogue Specification Tools," User
Interface Management Systems, G. Pfaff, ed. Berlin: Springer-Verlag,
1985. pp. 9-20. (Seeheim model)
(Here is a pdf scan of the
book chapter, but it is not generally available on the web)
Other Readings:
- Bass, R. Faneuf, R. Little, N. Mayer, B. Pellegrino, S. Reed, R. Seacord, S. Sheppard, and M. Szczur, 1992. “A metamodel for the runtime architecture of an interactive system: the UIMS tool developers workshop”, ACM SIGCHI Bulletin. 24 (1), 32–37. Jan, 1992. ACM DL ref
Feb. 23, 2017 |
Brad away - guest lecture
10. ConstraintJS and InterState - Guest Lecture by Stephen Oney (by Skype)
See slides for lecture 10
Stephen Oney is a Assistant Professor in the University of Michigan School of Information. He received his PhD from the HCII at CMU in 2015, advised by Brad Myers. This thesis topics included the ConstraintJS and InterState user interface development tools.. His current research focuses on enabling and encouraging more people to write and customize computer programs by creating new programming tools and exploring usability issues in programming environments.
Required Readings:
- Stephen Oney, Brad A. Myers, Joel Brandt, "ConstraintJS: Programming Interactive Behaviors
for the Web by Integrating Constraints and States", UIST'2012: ACM Symposium on User
Interface Software and Technology, October 7-10, 2012. Cambridge,
MA. pp. 229-238. ACM DL or local pdf
- Stephen Oney, Brad A. Myers, and Joel Brandt, "InterState: A Language and Environment for Expressing Interface Behavior", ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, UIST'14, October 5-8, 2014, Honolulu, Hawaii. pp. 263-272. ACM DL, pdf, video, project Page.
Feb. 28, 2017 |
11. Toolkits: intrinsics,
callbacks, resources, widget hierarchies, geometry
See slides for lecture 11
Optional Readings.
Mar 2, 2017 |
12. UIMS Techniques:Menu trees, Transition Networks, Grammars, Event Languages, HyperTalk, Declarative Languages
See slides for lecture 12
Required Readings:
- Mark Green, "A Survey of Three Dialogue Models," ACM Transactions on Graphics (5)3, Jul, 1986, pp 244-275. ACM
DL Reference
- chapter 10 from Olsen's book: "Editing Dialog Models". User Interface Management Systems: Models
and Algorithms.Morgan Kaufmann; (November 1991) (pdf
of the chapter, but this is not generally available on the web),
or Amazon listing for book.
Optional readings:
- Robert J.K. Jacob, "A Specification Language for Direct Manipulation
Interfaces," ACM Transactions on Graphics, Oct, 1986, vol. 5, no.
4, pp. 283-317. ACM
DL Reference.
- Ralph D. Hill, "Supporting Concurrency, Communication and Synchronization
in Human-Computer Interaction - The Sassafras UIMS", ACM Transactions
on Graphics, Jul, 86, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 179-210. ACM
DL Reference
- Philip J. Hayes, Pedro A. Szekely, and Richard A. Lerner, "Design Alternatives
for User Interface Management Systems Based on Experience with COUSIN", Proceedings SIGCHI'85: Human Factors in Computing Systems, San Francisco,
CA, Apr, 1985, pp. 169-175. ACM DL Reference. ACM
DL Reference
Mar. 7, 2017 |
Brad Away - Dagstuhl
13. Guest Lecture by
Scott Hudson -- Advanced Constraints
See slides for lecture 13
Required Readings:
- Scott E. Hudson. "Incremental attribute evaluation: a flexible algorithm for lazy update," ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, Volume 13 , Issue 3 (1991), Pages 315-341. ACM
DL Reference
- Bjorn N. Freeman-Benson, John Maloney and Alan Borning. "An incremental constraint solver," Communications of the ACM . Volume 33 , Issue 1 (1990). Pages 54-63. ACM
DL Reference
Optional Readings:
- Scott E. Hudson, Ian Smith, "Ultra-lightweight constraints", UIST'1996. pp.
147 - 155. ACM
DL Reference
Mar. 9, 2017 |
14. Other kinds of Constraints; and hints for HW4
See slides for lecture 14
Required Readings:
- Brad Vander Zanden, Brad A. Myers, Dario Giuse and Pedro Szekely. "Integrating
Pointer Variables into One-Way Constraint Models," ACM Transactions on
Computer-Human Interaction. vol. 1, no. 2, June, 1994. pp. 161-213. ACM
DL Reference
Optional Readings:
- Brad Vander Zanden, "An Incremental Algorithm for Satisfying Hierarchies
of Multi-way, Dataflow Constraints", ACM Transactions on Programming Languages
and Systems, 18(1), January, 1996. pp. 30-72. ACM
DL Reference
- Brad A. Myers, Robert C. Miller, Rich McDaniel, and Alan Ferrency, "Easily
Adding Animations to Interfaces Using Constraints." ACM Symposium on User
Interface Software and Technology, UIST'96, November 6-8, 1996. Seattle,
WA. pp. 119-128. ACM
DL Reference
Homework 3 Due
Start on Homework 4 |
Monday, March 13, 2017:
Mid-Semester Grades Due by 4 p.m. |
Mar. 14, 2017 |
CMU Holiday - Spring Break, no classes |
Mar. 16, 2017 |
CMU Holiday - Spring Break, no classes |
Mar. 21, 2017 |
15. Model-based tools: Creating the UI Automatically
See slides for lecture 15
Required Readings:
- Dan R. Olsen, Jr., "A Programming Language Basis for User Interface
Management," Proceedings SIGCHI'89, Austin, TX, Apr, 1989, pp. 171-176. ACM
DL Reference
- Jeffrey Nichols, Brad A. Myers, Michael Higgins, Joe
Hughes, Thomas K. Harris, Roni Rosenfeld, Mathilde Pignol. "Generating
Remote Control Interfaces for Complex Appliances." CHI Letters: ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and
Technology, UIST'02, 27-30 Oct. 2002, Paris, France. pp. 161-170. pdf
- Angel Puerta, "A Model-Based Interface Development Environment", IEEE
Software, 14(4), July/August 1997, pp. 41-47. pdf
Optional Readings:
- Brad Vander Zanden and Brad A. Myers, "Automatic, Look-and-Feel
Independent Dialog Creation for Graphical User Interfaces," Proceedings SIGCHI'90: Human Factors in Computing Systems.
Seattle, WA, April 1-5, 1990. pp. 27-34. ACM DL Reference
- Pedro Szekely, Ping Luo, and Robert Neches, "Beyond Interface
Builders: Model-Based Interface Tools, Proceedings INTERCHI'93:
Human Factors in Computing Systems. Amsterdam, The Netherlands,
April 24-29, 1993. pp. 383-390. ACM DL Reference.
- Paterno, F., Mancini, C. & Meniconi, S. (1997), "ConcurTaskTrees: A
Diagrammatic Notation for Specifying Task Models," in Proceedings of
Interact-97, Sydney, Australia, pp.362-369.
- Dan R. Olsen Jr., Sean Jefferies, Travis Nielsen, William Moyes and Paul
Fredrickson. “Cross-modal Interaction using Xweb,” Proceedings UIST'00: ACM
SIGGRAPH Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology, San Diego, CA,
2000. pp. 191-200. ACM DL
- S. R. Ponnekanti, B. Lee, A. Fox, P. Hanrahan and T.Winograd.
“ICrafter: A service framework for ubiquitous computing environments,” UBICOMP 2001, Atlanta, Georgia, 2001. pp. 56-75. URL
- K. Gajos, Weld, D. “SUPPLE: Automatically Generating User Interfaces,”
IUI'04: Intelligent User Interfaces, Funchal, Portugal, 2004. pp.
93-100. pdf. See also the video.
- Jeffrey Nichols, Duen Horng Chau, Brad A. Myers, "Demonstrating the
Viability of Automatically Generated User Interfaces" Proceedings
CHI'2007: Human Factors in Computing Systems. San Jose, CA,
April 28 - May 3, 2007. pp. 1283-1292. pdf
Mar. 23, 2017 |
16. Interactive Tools:
Prototypers (HyperCard, Director, Visual Basic), Interface Builders, Sketching Tools
See slides for lecture 16
Required Readings:
- James Landay and Brad A. Myers. "Interactive Sketching for the Early Stages
of User Interface Design," Proceedings CHI'95: Human Factors in Computing
Systems. Denver, CO. May, 1995. pp. 43-50. (html) or ACM
DL Ref
- James Lin, Michael Thomsen, and James A. Landay, "A Visual Language for Sketching Large and
Complex Interactive Designs." In CHI Letters: Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI
2002, 2002. 4(1): pp. 307-314. ACM
DL Ref
See also the DENIM
Video (better version of video in a temporary place), (longer video, no sound)
Optional Readings:
- Brad A. Myers. "Separating Application Code from Toolkits: Eliminating
the Spaghetti of Call-Backs," ACM Symposium on User Interface Software
and Technology: UIST'91, Hilton Head, SC, Nov. 11-13, 1991. pp. 211-220. ACM
DL Reference
- Walker, M., Takayama, L., and Landay, J. (2002) High-fidelity or low-fidelity, paper or computer
medium? Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 46th Annual Meeting (in press).
- James A. Landay and Brad A. Myers. Just Draw It! Programming by Sketching
Storyboards. Carnegie Mellon University School of Computer Science
Technical Report, no. CMU-CS-95-199 and Human Computer Interaction Institute
Technical Report CMU-HCII-95-106. November, 1995. html or PDF
Mar. 28, 2017 |
17. Demonstrational
See slides for lecture 17
Required Readings:
- Brad A. Myers, Richard G. McDaniel, and David S. Kosbie. "Marquise: Creating
Complete User Interfaces by Demonstration," Proceedings INTERCHI'93: Human
Factors in Computing Systems. Amsterdam, The Netherlands, April 24-29,
1993. pp. 293-300. ACM
DL Reference. (pdf)
- Richard G. McDaniel and Brad A. Myers, "Getting More Out Of
Programming-By-Demonstration." Proceedings CHI'99: Human Factors in Computing
Systems. Pittsburgh, PA, May 15-20, 1999. pp. 442-449. (Gamut) ACM
DL Reference. (pdf)
- Brad Myers, Richard McDaniel and David Wolber. "Programming by example:
Intelligence in Demonstrational Interfaces," Communications of the ACM. March, 2000. vol. 43, no.
3. pp. 82-89. ACM
DL Reference. (pdf)
Optional Readings:
- Brad A. Myers. "Creating User Interfaces Using Programming-by-Example, Visual
Programming, and Constraints," ACM Transactions on Programming Languages
and Systems. vol. 12, no. 2, April, 1990. pp. 143-177. (Peridot) ACM
DL Reference
- Brad A. Myers, Brad Vander Zanden, and Roger B. Dannenberg. "Creating Graphical
Interactive Application Objects by Demonstration," ACM Symposium on User
Interface Software and Technology: UIST'89, Williamsburg, VA, Nov. 13-15,
1989. pp. 95-104. (Lapidary) ACM
DL Reference. (see also the video excerpt)
Choice of topic for in-class presentations due |
Mar. 30, 2017 |
Demonstrational tools, continued |
Apr. 4, 2017 |
18. Component Techniques: Andrew, OLE, OpenDoc, Java Beans,
Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)
See slides for lecture 18
Required Readings:
- Andrew J. Palay, Fred Hansen, Mike Kazar, Mark Sherman, Maria Wadlow, Thomas
Neuendorffer, Zalman Stern, Miles Bader, and Thom Peters. "The Andrew Toolkit
- An Overview", Published in Proceedings USENIX Technical Conference,
Winter 1988. Reproduced as ITC Technical Report 061. pdf
- Chad Vawter and Ed Roman, "J2EE vs. Microsoft.NET: A comparison of building XML-based web services," June 2001. http://www.theserverside.com/tt/articles/article.tss?l=J2EE-vs-DOTNET
Optional Readings:
Homework 4 Due
Start on Homework 5 |
Apr. 6, 2017 |
19. Simple User Interface Toolkits and EUP for UIs
See slides for lecture 19
Required Readings:
- Pausch, R., Conway, M., & DeLine, R. (1992). Lesson Learned from SUIT, the Simple User Interface Toolkit. ACM Transactions on Information Systems, 10(4), 320-344. ACM DL Ref, or citeseer ref
- Conway, M., Audia, S., Burnette, T., Cosgrove, D., Christiansen, K., Deline, R., et al. (2000, Apr 1-6). Alice: Lessons Learned from Building a 3D System For Novices. Paper presented at the Proceedings of CHI 2000, The Hague, The Netherlands. ACM DL Ref, or citeseer ref
- J.F. Pane, B.A. Myers, and L.B. Miller, "Using HCI Techniques to Design a More Usable Programming System," 2002 IEEE Symposia on Human Centric Computing Languages and Environments (HCC'2002). Arlington, VA, September 3-6, 2002. pp. 198-206. local pdf. (Winner Most Influential Paper Award for important influences on VL/HCC research or commerce over the last 10+/-1 years in 2012.)
Optional Readings:
- Repenning, A & Ioannidou, A. (2004) Agent-based end-user development. Communications of the ACM, 47(9), pp. 43-46. ACM DL Ref
- Anders I. Mørch., Stevens, G., et al. (2004) Component-based technologies for end-user development. Communications of the ACM, 47(9), pp. 59-62. ACM DL Ref
- Anders I. Mørch: Application Units: Basic Building Blocks of Tailorable Applications. EWHCI 1995: 45-62 Springer Link
- F.H. Post and W. Barth, Construction Techniques of Graphic, Direct-Manipulation User Interfaces, EUROGRAPHICS ’91 / Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. Eurographics Association, 1991. Cite seer link
- Scratch, Yahoo! pipes, Vegemite
- Brad A. Myers, John F. Pane and Andy Ko, "Natural Programming Languages and Environments". Communications of the ACM. 47(9), pp. 47-52. ACM DL Ref
- Fabio Casati: How End-User Development Will Save Composition Technologies from Their Continuing Failures. IS-EUD 2011: 4-6. SpringerLink
Apr. 11, 2017 |
20. API Usability
See slides for lecture 20
Required Readings:
- Brad A. Myers and Jeffrey Stylos, "Improving API Usability", Communications of the ACM, vol 59, No. 6, June, 2016, pp. 62-69,
Official ACM DL entry; html or local pdf.
- Ellis, B., Stylos, J., and Myers, B.A. The factory pattern in API design: A usability evaluation. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering (Minneapolis, MN, May 20–26). IEEE Computer Society Press, Washington, D.C., 2007, 302–312.
- Ko, A.J., Myers, B.A., and Aung, H.H. Six learning barriers in end-user programming systems. In Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (Rome, Italy, Sept. 26–29). IEEE Computer Society Press, Washington, D.C., 2004, 199–206.
Optional Readings:
Apr. 13, 2017 |
21. Human-Centered Methods for Improving Programming Tools
See slides for lecture 21
Required Readings:
- Brad A. Myers, Andrew J. Ko, Thomas D. LaToza, and YoungSeok Yoon. "Programmers Are Users Too: Human-Centered Methods for Improving Programming Tools," IEEE Computer, Special issue on UI Design, 49, issue 7, July, 2016, pp. 44-52. IEEE DL or local pdf.
Apr. 18, 2017 |
1. Two Students Present:
(Evaluate the presenters using this form)
Mary Beth Kery: Toolkit support for games, graphics and 3D programming - slides
Required Readings:
- J. Blow, “Game development: Harder Than You Think”, ACM Queue, ACM, New York, 2004, pp. 29-37. ACM DL REF
- Game Engine Architecture by Jason Gregory (book) "Introduction". pg 1-22 (see Blackboard)
Optional readings:
- Take a look at standard game engines of today: Unity Game Engine, Unreal Engine, and (non-programmers) GameMaker. There are dozens of other game engines available.
- OpenGL is the graphics library standard, and it is open source. However, it is highly complex. For a gentler introduction and some videos demonstrating its capability, look at a javascript-based wrapper for OpenGL called three.js
Scott Donaldson: Toolkits for Visualization - slides
Required Readings:
Optional Readings:
Apr. 20, 2017 |
CMU Holiday -- No class -- Spring Carnival |
Apr. 25, 2017 |
Brad Probably Away
Guest lecture: Jeff Nichols, Model-based creation of UIs
See slides for guest lecture. |
Apr. 27, 2017 |
2. Two Students Present
Yutong Xie: Toolkits for Mobile Devices & SmartPhones - slides
Required Readings:
- IBM, Native,web or hybrid mobile app development, 2012. IBM Software Thought Leadership White Paper, pdf
- Dalmasso, Isabelle, et al. "Survey, comparison and evaluation of cross platform mobile application development tools." Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC), 2013 9th International. IEEE, 2013. http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?arnumber=6583580
Optional Readings:
Lu Han: Toolkit support for Gestural Input Techniques, Handwriting - slides
Required Readings:
- J.O. Wobbrock, AD Wilson, Y Li. "Gestures without libraries, toolkits or training: a $1 recognizer for user interface prototypes", In UIST '07, p. 159-168. ACM DL Ref
- B MacIntyre, M Gandy, S Dow, JD Bolter. "DART: a toolkit for rapid design exploration of augmented reality experiences." ACM DL Ref
Optional Readings:
May 2, 2017 |
3. Two Students Present
Gus Henry: Toolkits for Ubiquitous Computing, Context Awareness and CSCW - slides
Required Readings:
Recommended Readings:
Qiufeng Zhu: Tools to support for Web programming - slides
Required Readings:
- Matti Anttonen, Arto Salminen, Tommi Mikkonen, and Antero Taivalsaari. 2011. Transforming the web into a real application platform: new technologies, emerging trends and missing pieces. In Proceedings of the 2011 ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC '11). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 800-807. ACM DL Ref
- An introduction to html 5. https://robertnyman.com/2009/10/14/an-introduction-to-html5/
Optional Readings:
- Useful link about JavaScript : http://jstherightway.org/
- Nordin, Mathias. "An optimal solution for implementing a specific 3D web application." (August, 2016). Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, Thesis. 47 pages. online pdf
May 4, 2017 |
4. One student presents
Toby Li: Toolkits for building speech/conversational user interfaces - slides
Required Readings:
Licklider, Joseph CR. "Man-computer symbiosis." IRE transactions on human factors in electronics 1 (1960): 4-11.
Zue, Victor W., and James R. Glass. "Conversational interfaces: Advances and challenges." Proceedings of the IEEE 88.8 (2000): 1166-1180.
- Allen, James F., et al. "Toward conversational human-computer interaction." AI magazine 22.4 (2001): 27.
- Norman, Michael, and Peter Thomas. "The very idea: Informing HCI design from conversation analysis." Computers and conversation (1990): 51-65.
Optional Readings:
Lee, K-F., H-W. Hon, and Raj Reddy. "An overview of the SPHINX speech recognition system." IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing 38.1 (1990): 35-45.
- Bohus, Dan, and Alexander I. Rudnicky. "RavenClaw: Dialog management using hierarchical task decomposition and an expectation agenda." (2003).
- Zue, Victor, et al. "JUPlTER: a telephone-based conversational interface for weather information." IEEE Transactions on speech and audio processing 8.1 (2000): 85-96.
- Kopp, Stefan, et al. "A conversational agent as museum guide–design and evaluation of a real-world application." International Workshop on Intelligent Virtual Agents. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2005.
- Moore, Robert J. et al. “Conversational UX Design” CHI ‘17 Extended Abstracts. 2017.
- Alexa Skills Kit Voice Design Best Practices https://developer.amazon.com/public/solutions/alexa/alexa-skills-kit/docs/alexa-skills-kit-voice-design-best-practices
- IBM Conversational UX Guidelines https://conversational-ux.mybluemix.net/design/conversational-ux/
Cassell, Justine, et al. "Embodiment in conversational interfaces: Rea." Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. ACM, 1999.
- Bickmore, Timothy, and Justine Cassell. "Social dialogue with embodied conversational agents." Advances in natural multimodal dialogue systems. Springer Netherlands, 2005. 23-54.
- Azaria, Amos, Jayant Krishnamurthy, and Tom M. Mitchell. "Instructable Intelligent Personal Agent." AAAI. 2016.
- Le, Vu, Sumit Gulwani, and Zhendong Su. "Smartsynth: Synthesizing smartphone automation scripts from natural language." Proceeding of the 11th annual international conference on Mobile systems, applications, and services. ACM, 2013.
- Oviatt, Sharon. "Ten myths of multimodal interaction." Communications of the ACM 42.11 (1999): 74-81.
- Bolt, Richard A. “Put-that-there”: Voice and gesture at the graphics interface. Vol. 14. No. 3. ACM, 1980.
- Amazon Lex https://aws.amazon.com/lex/
- IBM Watson Conservation Service https://www.ibm.com/watson/developercloud/conversation.html
- API.ai https://api.ai/
- Google Speech API https://cloud.google.com/speech/
Facebook Chatbot Platform https://messenger.fb.com/
- Toby practice talk for CHI'2017
- Presentation of final homework (if time)
- Course evaluations: Please do both:
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