Quotes, References and Resources,
Started summer
2001, last updated, Summer, 2004
Michael Vizard, "Alan Cooper of Cooper Interaction Design sees planning as key to
downstream dividends". Infoworld. June 14, 2001. full
article (html).
- "A lot of people are saying computers are hard to use, but it will all be really easy when we get voice recognition. And that just isn't true. People said computers are hard to use, and when we get graphical user
interfaces, they'll be easy to use. And that's not true."
- "InfoWorld: What exactly are you doing today?
Cooper: We model the user, and we can tell you what features and facilities and
behavior this product is going to need in order to be desired by your users. That
last step tends to be eschewed by most of the people in the industry. So we get
products that are tremendously powerful and that have viable business models,
but that please nobody. There are a thousand firms out there that call themselves
usability firms. What they'll do is let you build your Web site and then meter it and
tell you what works and what doesn't. Well that works, but boy, isn't that
expensive and time-consuming to build, only to discover that you've built it wrong?
People need to put in some time and effort on the front end so that you can have
a much better chance of knowing what's going to be right and what's going to
satisfy your users when you come out of the starting gate. Instead of blundering
around with time-consuming development, your development proceeds much more
smoothly with fewer dead ends. If you go down a dead end during actual coding,
that's enormously expensive. It leaves behind scar tissue inside your program
that you may never recover from. Once you build something, it kind of takes on a
life of its own. And so it becomes a real problem."
Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox, May 27, 2001: "Salary Survey: User Experience Professionals Earn
Good Money"
"Usability is a well-paying profession these days: A usability specialist in California with five years' experience has an estimated cash
compensation of $90,118 a year, not counting stock options or other benefits."
Here are some relevant web sites collected by Professor Ken
User Interface Design generally:
Web design specific:
Newsgroup devoted to how to author for the web:
- comp.infosystems.www.authoring.html
Queued at: http://groups.google.com/groups?q=comp.infosystems.www.authoring.html
including: Background colors, beginner's and advanced guides to HTML, and tips
from Purdue University.
"Driven by Design", by Tahl Raz, Inc.com magazine, October 1, 2002:
"How Do People Evaluate a Web Site's Credibility? Results from a Large Study",
Consumer Web Watch News, October 29, 2002:
Cute and silly animation (flash) about what NOT to do:
Jared Braiterman is a usability consultant with his own company: http://www.jaredresearch.com,
and he has write-ups about actual re-designing experiences and his advice on product development steps.
- From: Via Bulatao, Fall. 2002 who says:
- "I thought the class might appreciate the "Experience" and "Case Studies"
pages he has. I particularly like his case study on the re-branding of
Shutterfly.com. He presented this study (http://www.jaredresearch.com/why_it_worked.html) at CHI 2002. He
explains how they do customer profiling and quick prototyping (using paper prototypes and wire-framing).
I thought it was cool."