
The Engineer will not associate with or allow the use of his name by an enterprise of questionable character, nor will he become professionally associated with engineers who do not conform to ethical practices, or with persons not legally qualified to render the professional services for which the association is intended .

13. (Part 1)

[See Code II.1.d. (Part 1) ]

Code is relevant when:
Engineer permits the use of his name by a third party
Code is violated when:
Engineer believes that the third party is engaging in fraudulent or dishonest business or professional practice
Code is not violated when:
Engineer does not believe that the third party is engaging in fraudulent or dishonest business or professional practice

13. (Part 2)

[See Code R8:15., II.1.d. ]

Code is relevant when:
Engineer associates himself with a project or enterprise
Code is violated when:
The project or enterprise is of questionable character
Code is not violated when:
The project or enterprise is of unquestionably high character

13. (Part 3)

[See Codes C28., II.1.d. (Part 3) ]

Code is relevant when:
Engineer associates with a third party in a business venture
Code is violated when:
Code is not violated when:
The third party conforms to ethical practices

13. (Part 4)

Code is relevant when:
Engineer associates himself with a person to perform professional services
Code is violated when:
The associated person is not legally qualified to render professional services
Code is not violated when:
The associated person is legally qualified to render professional services

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