
The Engineer will cooperate in extending the effectiveness of the profession by interchanging information and experience with other engineers and students, and will endeavor to provide opportunity for the professional development and advancement of engineers under his supervision.

15. (Part 1)

[See Codes C1. (Part 1), III.11. (Part 1) ]

Code is relevant when:
Engineer is in a position to extend the effectiveness of the profession with other engineers
Code is violated when:
Engineer does not interchange information with other engineers
Engineer does not interchange experience with other engineers
Code is not violated when
Engineer interchanges information with other engineers
Engineer interchanges experience with other engineers

15. (Part 2)

[See Codes C1. (Part 2), III.11. (Part 2) ]

Code is relevant when:
Engineer is in a position to extend the effectiveness of the profession with students
Code is violated when:
Engineer does not interchange information with the students
Engineer does not interchange experience with the students
Code is not violated when
Engineer interchanges information with the students
Engineer interchanges experience with the students

15. (Part 3)

[See Codes C22., III.11. (Part 3) ]

Code is relevant when:
Engineer has supervisory responsibility over another engineer
Code is violated when:
Engineer does not endeavor to provide opportunity for the professional development and advancement of the other engineer
Code is not violated when
Engineer endeavors to provide opportunity for the professional development and advancement of the other engineer

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