In Quiz 3, we computed a parent array for a breadth-first search
tree. Let's say we wrote the following code to compute the tree's
If num_nodes is n, what is the worst-case
running time of the treeDepth()?
nodeDepth(int which, int *parent) {
if(parent[which] == -1) return 0;
else return 1 + nodeDepth(parent[which], parent);
treeDepth(int *parent, int num_nodes) {
int max_depth = -1;
for(int i = 0; i < num_nodes; i++) {
int i_depth = nodeDepth(i, parent);
if(i_depth > max_depth) max_depth = i_depth;
return max_depth;
Answer: The running time of nodeDepth() is O(depth of which). Say the tree is basically a singly linked list. Then the amount of time consumed is 1+2+...+n=O(n^2).