Hint: Sorting
Question: We've seen a number of sorting algorithms
in the last few weeks: selection sort, insertion sort,
mergesort, quicksort, and heapsort. Describe the advantages and
disadvantages of each.
Hint: In comparing sorting algorithms, here are a few things to
- How simple is the algorithm? For life-dependent systems, it may be
preferable to choose the algorithm the programmer is most likely to
implement correctly.
- How does it do in the best case? Are there applications
where the best case is likely?
- What is the worst case? Are there applications where the worst case
is likely?
- How fast is the algorithm in general? Consider big-O notation.
- How many comparisons will the algorithm take? In a tournament
environment, each comparison involves a long game and so is very
expensive. It is worth considering the exact number of comparisons
- Can the algorithm sort without creating another array? When
comparisons are cheap, allocating a different array and copying
elements over is expensive.
Hint: Sorting /
Arrays algorithms /
Review questions /
15-211 A, B