Answer: Breadth-first and depth-first search

Question: Draw the breadth-first search tree and the depth-first search tree for the following graph. The neighbors are each node are listed in alpabetical order, so the nodes are inserted to the active list in that order.

   K   A   F---H
  /|   |       |
 / C---B   G---J
 \     |   | \ |

Answer: Following are my answers. There are different varieties of visiting nodes, but I think I'm following what we've been doing. Breadth-first search tree:

   K   A   F---H
   |   |       |
   C---B   G---J
       |   |    
Depth-first search tree:
   K   A   F---H
  /|   |       |
 / C   B   G---J
 \     |     \  

Answer / Graphs / Review questions / 15-211 A, B