Answer: Dijkstra's algorithm

Question: If it starts at the asterisked node, what will the shortest-path tree look like after Dijkstra's algorithm adds the first five edges in the following graph? What is the final shortest-path tree?

    10    18     12    1
  |     |     |     |   _/
12|    2|    1|    2| _/13
  | 16  | 16  | 14  |/
  |     |     |     |
 1|   16|    5|   20|
  |     |     |     |
    15     2    22

Answer: After five iterations we will have

  o     o     *-----o-----o
  o     o     o     o
  o     o-----o     o
After the algorithm is complete we will have
    10    18    12     1
              |     |
             1|    2|
          16  |     |
  o     o-----o     o
  |           |
 1|          5|
  |           |
	15     2    22

Answer / Graphs / Review questions / 15-211 A, B