15-211 topics
This is a list of topics we have covered in 15-211, as complete as I
can remember. Asterisks mark topics with cursory coverage.
You needn't feel like you completely understand the starred topics;
knowing them fuzzily should be enough.
- C++ stuff
- recursion
- pointers
- classes
- memory allocation
- constructors and destructors
- call-by-value and call-by-reference
- inheritance
- virtual functions
- Program analysis
- invariants
- big-O, Theta, and Omega notation
- recurrences
- Algorithmic techniques
- divide and conquer
- dynamic programming and memoization
- Arrays
- Searching
- binary search
- sequential search
- Sorting
- lower bound for comparison sorting
- selection sort and insertion sort
- quicksort and mergesort
- heapsort
- bucket sort and radix sort
- Median computation (with quickselect)
- Lists
- stacks
- queues
- list functions
- Trees
- traversals (inorder, preorder, postorder)
- binary search trees
- balanced search trees
- tries
- heaps
- Hash tables
- hash functions
- hash tables
- collision techniques
- separate chaining
- linear probing
- double hashing
- extensible hashing (with doubling array)
- Graphs
- breadth-first search
- depth-first search
- priority-first search
- minimum spanning tree
- all-pairs shortest paths
- minimum matching *
- transitive closure *
- Game playing
- game trees
- alpha-beta search *
- Ziv-Lempel compression
- Finite automata
- finite automata
- Knuth-Morris-Pratt string matching
- regular languages
- regular expressions