Inevitably, the course notes have errors. If you find any more, please report them. Here are the ones of which we know so far.
The e-mail address of Henry (Mac) McCauley has changed since writing. (1 Jul)
The assembly language implementation of Prime-Test-All in Table 3.3 on page 18 has two notable problems. The BZERO instruction on line 00001010 should be a BEQUAL instruction. Also, the arguments of SUB on line 00000110 are swapped: the instruction should read SUB R3, R0, R2. (1 Jul)
The table on page 22 enumerating valid conditions has three problems. The third line should read ``true if k is not equal to 2''. The fifth line should make it explicit that if both sides of '||' are true, then the expression is true. (In this case, it can't happen that k < 5 and k > 10, but if it were to happen, the expression would still be true.) The sixth line should read ``true if a[0] is 'S' or k is between 2 and 5 (or both). (3 Jul)
The last sentence of Section A.1 claims that 101101 base 2 is 43 base 10. Actually, it is 45. (1 Jul)
The definitions for lg and ln are interchanged. (2 Jul)