Your answers for this assignment may be handwritten or typed. They are due Thursday, July 17, at the beginning of class.
Any partial answers are acceptable and will be judged according to your background. Be sure to describe in comments exactly which parts your code is to do. If you know of problems with your code, be sure to describe those too as well (but succinctly) as you can. It is far better to know what's wrong with your work than to claim that it is correct.
Please format and adequately comment your code. What we don't understand will be graded accordingly.
This is for the non-programming section. Others can try it, too, though. Section 11.4 of the course notes is the assumed background.
One application of cryptography is in voting schemes. How can we vote without revealing our ideas?
You might think of trying the communicating the total as we discussed in class and as described in Section 11.4 in the course notes. Each person's ``test score'' would be 1 if voting yea, 0 if voting nay. Communicating the total, then, will tell us how many vote yea.
Take five or fewer sentences to describe problems with this idea. Assume that all can accurately tell who sent all information they received, and assume that nobody can eavesdrop.
In this problem we develop a spreadsheet. You may well have used a spreadsheet before. A spreadsheet is an office application that allows one to easily compute values.
The spreadsheet we'll develop is one-dimensional. It has 16 boxes to hold real numbers. These are labeled #0 to #15. The value of any box can either be a constant number (such as -23.2), a reference to another box (#4), or a single arithmetic combination of these (#3 + #5, or 2 * #0).
As an example, in the following table the second column holds the formulas for each box and the third column tells what would be displayed on the spreadsheet.
box formula displayed value # 0: -23.2 -23.2 # 1: #4 7.5 # 2: #3 + #5 -78.6 # 3: 2 * #0 -46.4 # 4: 15 / 2 7.5 # 5: #0 - 9 -32.2 ...
The provided code, ``'', handles the interface and interprets the formulas. Your job is to write a function to compute the values after they are parsed. The provided code will display the values.
The function takes many parameters, but don't let this daunt you. Here's the declaration.
public static void EvaluateSpreadsheet(double[] result, int[] optor, int[] lhs_type, double[] lhs, int[] rhs_type, double[] rhs, double undefined) { // Your code here }All arrays have sixteen entries. The function's job is to put the numbers that should be displayed into result. The formula in the ith box is specified by a combination of optor[i], lhs_type[i], lhs[i], rhs_type[i], and rhs[i].
The above example would be passed to the function as follows.
i optor lhs_type lhs rhs_type rhs # 0: 0 -1 -23.2 -1 0 # 1: 0 4 undef -1 0 # 2: 0 3 undef 5 undef # 3: 2 -1 2 0 undef # 4: 3 -1 15 -1 2 # 5: 1 0 undef -1 9Your code will compute which values to put into the boxes. (Currently the function refuses to compute any values by placing undefined in all boxes.)
This problem has a number of intermediate steps. See how far you can get.
A strong beginner's performance would accomplish the second step. A good answer for others (truly outstanding for beginners) will accomplish the third step. The fourth step is extra credit.