Where will this lead? Will Alice resort to silencing Bob? Will Bob just give up? Is there any way they can settle their dispute? Find out today with...
(with special guest star Spot!)
Alce and Bob could program their algorithms and try them out on some sample inputs.
This isn't really a bad idea, but they have a point.
Graph performance against problem size, and extrapolate.
| . | current . | computing . | power -+ . | limits | . | | . ^ | | . | | v. time | _~ | - | _~ | _-~ |___--~ | +--------------------------- problem size -->
It would be better if we didn't treat the algorithm as a black box.
Write down the algorithm and create a formula for the running time.
Prime-Test-All i <- 2 | v no +-> i <= sqrt(N)? -----> output IS_PRIME | | | | yes | v yes | does i divide N? ---> output NOT_PRIME | | | | no | v +--- i <- i + 1
The time consumed by Prime-Test-All for input N is at most
T[PTA](N) <= T[i <- 2] + (sqrt(N) - 1) (T[i <= sqrt(N)?] + T[i divide N?] + T[i <- i + 1]) + T[output]
For really big inputs, we can ignore everything but the fastest-growing term: T[PTA](N) <= c[PTA] sqrt(N) (where c[PTA] is a constant that will change between machines).
Say Bob's algorithm takes T[B](N) <= c[B] sqrt(N) log_2(N) time.
For what N is Bob's algorithm better?
To compare algorithms with very different bounds, we can just ignore the constants. We write T[PTA] = O(sqrt(N)) or T[B] = O(sqrt(N) log_2(N)).
This is called big-O notation.
Yes, this is a gross simplification. But it often works!
50 x^2 + 25 x + 40 = O(x^2) 5,096 log_2 n + 0.02 n = O(n) 4,236,121 = O(1) 4 * 2^n log_2 n + n^2 = O(2^n log_2 n)
Algorithm Prime-Test-Odds(n) if n = 2 then return YES fi if n is even then return NO fi for each odd i such that 3 <= i <= sqrt(n) do if i divides n then return NO fi od return YES O(sqrt(n))
public static int AddIntegers(int[] result, int[] a, int[] b) { int i; int carry; carry = 0; for(i = 0; i < a.length; i = i + 1) { result[i] = (a[i] + b[i] + carry) % 2; carry = (a[i] + b[i] + carry) / 2; } if(carry > 0) { return -1; } else { return 0; } } O(a.length)
Algorithm Exponentiate(x, n) result <- 1 for i <- 1 to n do result <- result * x od return result O(n)
Algorithm Add-Matrices(a, b) for i <- 1 to m do for j <- 1 to n do c[i,j] <- a[i,j] + b[i,j] od od return c O(mn)
Algorithm Fast-Exponentiate(x, n) result <- 1 y <- x i <- n while i > 0 do if i is even then i <- i / 2 else result <- result * y i <- (i - 1) / 2 fi y <- y^2 od return result O(log_2 n)
We multiply two binary numbers a and b as on the Web page.
a = 1101 (= 13 base 10) b = 1011 (= 11 base 10) --------- 1101 1101 0000 + 1101 --------- 10001111 (= 143 base 10) O(a.length b.length + b.length b.length)
Algorithm Count-Primes(N) count <- 0 for i <- 1 to N do if Prime-Test-Odds(i) == YES then count <- count + 1 fi od return count O(N sqrt(N))
How much time does it take to determine whether white is guaranteed a win in chess?