On Thursday, July 3, 82 of you returned a survey pertaining to how class has gone so far. In addition, you provided many valuable and insightful comments. Thank you for your input!
Here are the results. Each x represents a single answer.
word processing xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx short programs xxxxxxxxxxxxxx one class xxxxxxxxxxxxx many classes xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I'm sorry I didn't list ``None'' as a choice! I certainly didn't mean to imply that I expected you to have some experience.
none at all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Pascal xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx BASIC xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx C xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Java xxx
lost/faint grip xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx alright xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx firm grasp xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx already knew it xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I didn't include the choice ``The pace is fine'', partially because I didn't think anybody would think this. Several people took the liberty of writing this in themselves.
can't understand xxxxxxxxx little fast xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx OK [written-in] xxxxxxx bit slow xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx double it! xxxxxxxxxxxx
overview xxxx bits and bytes xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx assembly xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx assignment stmnt xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx if statement xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx loops xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Many people checked both. Based on the surrounding comments, I gather that in some cases this meant you didn't care, and in some case this meant you wanted a combination.
chalkboard xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx overheads xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx both xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Since nobody's bothered to speak with me, I didn't find it surprising that nobody had found my availability out of class to be useful. This is disappointing, however. You should really feel free to talk to me any time, stopping by my office. As assignments become due I'll try to be more available to help you.
Web page xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx course notes xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (63) TA's xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx instructor xxx