This lists all the Java symbols and keywords found in Chapters 4-6 of the course notes. Page numbers refer to the page where they are introduced.
The following are operators in Java, listed in order of precedence.
- ! | negation (p 26) logical not (negating a condition) |
* / % | multiplication (p 26) division (ignore remainder if both sides are integers) (p 26) remainder of division (modulo) (p 26) |
+ - | addition (p 26) / string concatenation subtraction (p 26) |
>= <= > < | greater than or equal to (p 27) less than or equal to (p 27) greater than (p 27) less than (p 27) |
== != | equals (p 27) not equals (p 27) |
&& | logical and (p 27) |
|| | logical or (p 27) |
= | assignment (p 27) |
' | character constant (p 26) |
" | string constant (p 20) |
[] | array index (p 28) |
() | parentheses (p 28) |
// | begin a comment ended by end of line (p 19) |
; | statement termination (p 21) |
{} | statement block (p 21) |
We separate the keywords of Java into the words we actually use in class and the words we do not. (The latter only matter in that they're invalid variable names.)
boolean | (p 25) | break | (p 31) | char | (p 25) | class | (p 19) |
double | (p 25) | else | (p 31) | false | (p 26) | for | (p 32) |
if | (p 30) | int | (p 25) | new | (p 28) | public | (p 20) |
return | (p 21) | static | (p 20) | true | (p 26) | void | (p 21) |
while | (p 31) |
abstract | byte | byvalue | case | cast | catch |
const | continue | default | do | extends | final |
finalize | finally | float | future | generic | goto |
implements | import | inner | instanceof | interface | long |
native | null | operator | outer | package | private |
protected | rest | short | super | switch | synchronized |
this | throw | throws | transient | try | var |
volatile |