16-633: Robot Cognition and Learning: Policies
Course Format
This course will include lectures, discussion, assignments, and a project.
We will use class time for presentations by you and the instructors,
discussions, work, and group meetings with instructors.
There will be some assignments intermixed with working on your project.
Web Pages
will be where the Instructor puts material.
We will use Piazza for class discussion and answering questions. Piazza is good for getting you help fast and efficiently from classmates and, more slowly, the instructor. Rather than emailing questions to the instructor, we encourage you to post your questions on Piazza.
Our class signup link is: https://piazza.com/cmu/spring2024/16633
Course policies
Working in teams is fine, and being a psychopathic loner (like your instructor) is fine.
No midterm or final exams.
There will be some number (TBA) of assignments.
Late assignments policy: TBA.
Some assignments may involve working with an actual robot (lab assignments).
Grading: The project will count as several assignments. The exact formula will depend
on how many and what assignments we actually do.
Everybody will do a project of their own design, with approval by the instructor.