.. _cpp-examples-sound-based-reaction: Sound based reaction ==================== :ref:`\<\< return to examples index ` Overview -------- This example module **ALSoundBasedReaction** makes NAO say "Hello there" each time a sudden and loud noise is detected. To do so, it uses the processSound callback method. This module can be **remote or local**. Downloads --------- Whole example +++++++++++++ :download:`soundbasedreaction.zip ` Header: alsoundbasedreaction.h ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ :download:`alsoundbasedreaction.h ` .. literalinclude:: alsoundbasedreaction.h :language: cpp Source: alsoundbasedreaction.cpp +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ :download:`alsoundbasedreaction.cpp ` .. literalinclude:: alsoundbasedreaction.cpp :language: cpp Main: main.cpp ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ :download:`main.cpp ` .. literalinclude:: main.cpp :language: cpp CMakeLists.txt ++++++++++++++ :download:`CMakeLists.txt ` .. literalinclude:: CMakeLists.txt :language: cmake