.. _alvisionrecognition-tuto: ALVisionRecognition Tutorial ============================ :ref:`Overview ` | :ref:`API ` | Tutorial Introduction ------------ This tutorial explains how to access the ALVisionRecognition module from Python. The module is designed to notify subscribers when a previously learned image has been recognized. To receive the notification, we need to create a module that exposes a callback method. .. note:: You might not have this module depending on your distribution. This module should be loaded on the robot's NAOqi. Getting a proxy to ALVisionRecognition -------------------------------------- After some initialization steps, we first instantiate a proxy to the ALVisionRecognition module. Prepare some imports and variables .. code-block:: python import os import sys import time import naoqi from naoqi import * # A global counter of the number of loops count = 10 PC_IP = "" # Replace this with your computer's IP address NAO_IP = "nao.local" # Replace this with your NAOqi's IP address # The name of the event generated by ALVisionRecognition event_name = "PictureDetected" We create a python module with a callback method and instatiate it .. code-block:: python # The name of our local python module module_name = "python_module" class myModule(ALModule): """python class myModule test auto documentation""" def dataChanged(self, strVarName, value, strMessage): """callback when data change""" print "datachanged", strVarName, " ", value, " ", strMessage global count count = count - 1 # Create a local broker, connected to the remote naoqi broker = ALBroker("pythonBroker", PC_IP, 9999, NAO_IP, 9559) # Create a python module pythonModule = myModule(module_name) We subscribe to event so that our callback can be called .. code-block:: python try: # Create a proxy to ALMemory memoryProxy = ALProxy("ALMemory", NAO_IP, PORT) # Subscribe to the event, saying where we want to be called back memoryProxy.subscribeToEvent(event_name, module_name, "dataChanged") # Let the picture recognition run while count > 0: time.sleep(5) # Unsubscribe memoryProxy.unsubscribeToEvent(event_name, module_name) except RuntimeError, e: print e exit(1) print 'end'