libalvalue  1.12
AL::ALValue Member List
This is the complete list of members for AL::ALValue, including all inherited members.
_typeAL::ALValue [protected]
_valueAL::ALValue [protected]
ALNetwork (defined in AL::ALValue)AL::ALValue [friend]
ALValue(const bool &value)AL::ALValue
ALValue(const int &value)AL::ALValue
ALValue(const double &value)AL::ALValue
ALValue(const float &value)AL::ALValue
ALValue(const std::string &value)AL::ALValue
ALValue(const char *value)AL::ALValue
ALValue(const std::vector< std::string > &pListString)AL::ALValue
ALValue(const std::vector< float > &pListFloat)AL::ALValue
ALValue(const std::vector< int > &pListInt)AL::ALValue
ALValue(const void *value, int nBytes)AL::ALValue
ALValue(const char **pArrayOfString, int nNbrString)AL::ALValue
ALValue(const float *pFloat, int nNbrElement)AL::ALValue
ALValue(const int *pInt, int nNbrElement)AL::ALValue
ALValue(const TAlValueBinaryData &rhs)AL::ALValue
ALValue(ALValue const &rhs)AL::ALValue
array(const T0 &a0) (defined in AL::ALValue)AL::ALValue [static]
array(const T0 &a0, const T1 &a1) (defined in AL::ALValue)AL::ALValue [static]
array(const T0 &a0, const T1 &a1, const T2 &a2) (defined in AL::ALValue)AL::ALValue [static]
array(const T0 &a0, const T1 &a1, const T2 &a2, const T3 &a3) (defined in AL::ALValue)AL::ALValue [static]
array(const T0 &a0, const T1 &a1, const T2 &a2, const T3 &a3, const T4 &a4) (defined in AL::ALValue)AL::ALValue [static]
array(const T0 &a0, const T1 &a1, const T2 &a2, const T3 &a3, const T4 &a4, const T5 &a5) (defined in AL::ALValue)AL::ALValue [static]
array(const T0 &a0, const T1 &a1, const T2 &a2, const T3 &a3, const T4 &a4, const T5 &a5, const T6 &a6) (defined in AL::ALValue)AL::ALValue [static]
array(const T0 &a0, const T1 &a1, const T2 &a2, const T3 &a3, const T4 &a4, const T5 &a5, const T6 &a6, const T7 &a7) (defined in AL::ALValue)AL::ALValue [static]
array(const T0 &a0, const T1 &a1, const T2 &a2, const T3 &a3, const T4 &a4, const T5 &a5, const T6 &a6, const T7 &a7, const T8 &a8) (defined in AL::ALValue)AL::ALValue [static]
array(const T0 &a0, const T1 &a1, const T2 &a2, const T3 &a3, const T4 &a4, const T5 &a5, const T6 &a6, const T7 &a7, const T8 &a8, const T9 &a9) (defined in AL::ALValue)AL::ALValue [static]
arrayPush(const ALValue &pSrcToCopyNotOwned)AL::ALValue
arrayReserve(int size)AL::ALValue
arraySetSize(int size)AL::ALValue
CITAlValueArray typedefAL::ALValue
CITAlValueBinaryData typedefAL::ALValue
ConvertALValueToSoapXml (defined in AL::ALValue)AL::ALValue [friend]
decodeB64(const char *pszB64)AL::ALValue
decodeB64Object(const char *pszB64)AL::ALValue
deduceType(const char *szInput, int nLimitToLen=0x7FFFFFFF)AL::ALValue [static]
encodeB64(std::string &strOutput) const AL::ALValue
getArrayPtr() const AL::ALValue
GetBinary() const AL::ALValue
getObject() const AL::ALValue
getSize() const AL::ALValue
getType() const AL::ALValue
isArray() const AL::ALValue
isBinary() const AL::ALValue
isBool() const AL::ALValue
isFloat() const AL::ALValue
isInt() const AL::ALValue
isObject() const AL::ALValue
isString() const AL::ALValue
isValid() const AL::ALValue
ITAlValueArray typedefAL::ALValue
ITAlValueBinaryData typedefAL::ALValue
operator bool &()AL::ALValue
operator const bool() const AL::ALValue
operator const double() const AL::ALValue
operator const float() const AL::ALValue
operator const int() const AL::ALValue
operator const std::string &() const AL::ALValue
operator const TAlValueBinaryData &() const AL::ALValue
operator const void *() const AL::ALValue
operator float &()AL::ALValue
operator int &()AL::ALValue
operator std::string &()AL::ALValue
operator TAlValueBinaryData &()AL::ALValue
operator TFloatArray() const AL::ALValue
operator TIntArray() const AL::ALValue
operator TStringArray() const AL::ALValue
operator!=(ALValue const &other) const AL::ALValue
operator=(const ALValue &rhs)AL::ALValue
operator=(const bool &rhs)AL::ALValue
operator=(const int &rhs)AL::ALValue
operator=(const double &rhs)AL::ALValue
operator=(const float &rhs)AL::ALValue
operator=(const char *rhs)AL::ALValue
operator=(const TAlValueBinaryData &rhs)AL::ALValue
operator==(ALValue const &other) const AL::ALValue
operator[](int i)AL::ALValue
operator[](int i) const AL::ALValue
serializeToText(void) const AL::ALValue
SetBinary(const void *rhs, int nDataSizeInBytes)AL::ALValue
SetBinaryNoCopy(const void *rhs, int nDataSizeInBytes)AL::ALValue
setObject(const void *pData, int nDataSizeInBytes)AL::ALValue
TAlValueArray typedefAL::ALValue
TAlValueBinaryData typedefAL::ALValue
TALValueBool typedefAL::ALValue
TALValueDouble typedefAL::ALValue
TALValueFloat typedefAL::ALValue
TALValueInt typedefAL::ALValue
TALValueString typedefAL::ALValue
TFloatArray typedefAL::ALValue
TIntArray typedefAL::ALValue
ToFloatArray(TFloatArray &pArrayToFill, bool bInsertDefaultOnError=false) const AL::ALValue
ToIntArray(TIntArray &pArrayToFill, bool bInsertDefaultOnError=false) const AL::ALValue
toPythonBuffer() const AL::ALValue
toString(Verbosity pnVerbosity=VerbosityMini) const AL::ALValue
ToStringArray(TStringArray &pArrayToFill, bool bInsertDefaultOnError=false) const AL::ALValue
TStringArray typedefAL::ALValue
Type enum nameAL::ALValue
TypeArray enum valueAL::ALValue
TypeBinary enum valueAL::ALValue
TypeBool enum valueAL::ALValue
TypeFloat enum valueAL::ALValue
TypeInt enum valueAL::ALValue
TypeInvalid enum valueAL::ALValue
TypeObject enum valueAL::ALValue
TypeString enum valueAL::ALValue
TypeToString(enum Type pnType)AL::ALValue [static]
unSerializeFromText(const char *szInput, int nLimitToLen=0x7FFFFFFF)AL::ALValue
xUnSerializeFromText_InnerTest(void)AL::ALValue [static]
~ALValue()AL::ALValue [virtual]
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