This explain explain how call log functions.
#include <qi/log.hpp> #include <boost/program_options.hpp> namespace po = boost::program_options; int main(int argc, char **argv) { po::options_description desc("Allowed options"); int globalVerbosity; // Used to parse options, as well as to put help message desc.add_options() ("help,h", "Produces help message") ("version", "Output NAOqi version.") ("verbose,v", "Set verbose verbosity.") ("debug,d", "Set debug verbosity.") ("quiet,q", "Do not show logs on console.") ("context,c", po::value<int>(), "Show context logs: [0-7] (0: none, 1: categories, 2: date, 3: file+line, 4: date+categories, 5: date+line+file, 6: categories+line+file, 7: all (date+categories+line+file+function)).") ("synchronous-log", "Activate synchronous logs.") ("log-level,L", po::value<int>(&globalVerbosity)->default_value(4), "Change the log minimum level: [0-6] (0: silent, 1: fatal, 2: error, 3: warning, 4: info, 5: verbose, 6: debug). Default: 4 (info)") ; // Map containing all the options with their values po::variables_map vm; // program option library throws all kind of errors, we just catch them // all, print usage and exit try { po::store(po::parse_command_line(argc, argv, desc), vm); po::notify(vm); } catch (po::error &e) { std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl; std::cout << desc << std::endl; exit(1); } if (vm.count("help")) { std::cout << desc << std::endl; return 0; } // set default log verbosity qi::log::setVerbosity(qi::log::info); // set default log context qi::log::setContext(0); if (vm.count("log-level")) { if (globalVerbosity > 0 && globalVerbosity <= 6) qi::log::setVerbosity((qi::log::LogLevel)globalVerbosity); if (globalVerbosity > 6) qi::log::setVerbosity(qi::log::debug); if (globalVerbosity <= 0) qi::log::setVerbosity(qi::log::silent); } // Remove consoleloghandler (default log handler) if (vm.count("quiet")) qi::log::removeLogHandler("consoleloghandler"); if (vm.count("debug")) qi::log::setVerbosity(qi::log::debug); if (vm.count("verbose")) qi::log::setVerbosity(qi::log::verbose); if (vm.count("context")) { int globalContext = vm["context"].as<int>(); if (globalContext < 0) { qi::log::setContext(0); } else if (globalContext > 7) { qi::log::setContext(7); } else { qi::log::setContext(globalContext); } } if (vm.count("synchronous-log")) qi::log::setSynchronousLog(true); qiLogFatal("core.log.example.1", "%d\n", 41); qiLogError("core.log.example.1", "%d\n", 42); qiLogWarning("core.log.example.1", "%d\n", 43); qiLogInfo("core.log.example.1", "%d\n", 44); qiLogVerbose("core.log.example.1", "%d\n", 45); qiLogDebug("core.log.example.1", "%d\n", 46); qiLogFatal("core.log.example.2") << "f" << 4 << std::endl; qiLogError("core.log.example.2") << "e" << 4 << std::endl; qiLogWarning("core.log.example.2") << "w" << 4 << std::endl; qiLogInfo("core.log.example.2") << "i" << 4 << std::endl; qiLogVerbose("core.log.example.2") << "v" << 4 << std::endl; qiLogDebug("core.log.example.2") << "d" << 4 << std::endl; qiLogFatal("core.log.example.1", "without '\\n': %d", 41); qiLogError("core.log.example.1", "without '\\n': %d", 42); qiLogWarning("core.log.example.1", "without '\\n': %d", 43); qiLogInfo("core.log.example.1", "without '\\n': %d", 44); qiLogVerbose("core.log.example.1", "without '\\n': %d", 45); qiLogDebug("core.log.example.1", "without '\\n': %d", 46); qiLogFatal("core.log.example.1", ""); qiLogFatal("core.log.example.1", "\n"); qiLogFatal("core.log.example.2") << "f " << "without '\\n'"; qiLogError("core.log.example.2") << "e " << "without '\\n'"; qiLogWarning("core.log.example.2") << "w " << "without '\\n'"; qiLogInfo("core.log.example.2") << "i " << "without '\\n'"; qiLogVerbose("core.log.example.2") << "v " << "without '\\n'"; qiLogDebug("core.log.example.2") << "d " << "without '\\n'"; qiLogFatal("core.log.example.2") << ""; qiLogFatal("core.log.example.2") << std::endl; qiLogFatal("core.log.example.3", "%d", 21) << "f" << 4 << std::endl; qiLogError("core.log.example.3", "%d", 21) << "e" << 4 << std::endl; qiLogWarning("core.log.example.3", "%d", 21) << "w" << 4 << std::endl; qiLogInfo("core.log.example.3", "%d", 21) << "i" << 4 << std::endl; qiLogVerbose("core.log.example.3", "%d", 21) << "v" << 4 << std::endl; qiLogDebug("core.log.example.3", "%d", 21) << "d" << 4 << std::endl; //c style qiLogWarning("core.log.example.4", "Oups my buffer is too bad: %x\n", 0x0BADCAFE); //c++ style qiLogError("core.log.example.4") << "Where is nao?" << " - Nao is in the kitchen." << " - How many are they? " << 42 << std::endl; //mixup style qiLogInfo("core.log.example.4", "%d %d ", 41, 42) << 43 << " " << 44 << std::endl; std::cout << "I've just finished to log!" << std::endl; }