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Charlie Garrod | |
Associate Teaching Professor | |
Software and Societal Systems Department | |
(formerly the Institute for Software Research) | |
School of Computer Science | |
Carnegie Mellon University | |
Charlie Garrod Carnegie Mellon University, S3D 4665 Forbes Ave. Pittsburgh, PA 15213 |
Office: TCS Hall 343 Phone: 412-268-5176 Email: charlie@cs.cmu.edu |
CMU 07-070 Teaching Techniques for Computer Science
| F23
| S24
| F24
CMU 15-210 Parallel and Sequential Data Structures and Algorithms
| F19
| F20
| F21
| F22
| F23
| F24
CMU 17-480/17-780 API Design
| S20
| S21
| F21
| F22
| F24
CMU 17-214/17-514 Principles of Software System Construction (formerly 15-214)
| F12
| S13
| F13
| S14
| F14
| S15
| F15
| S16
| F16
| F17
| S18
| F18
| F19
| S20
| F20
| S21
| S24
CMU 15-445 Database Systems
| S23
CMU 15-890 Computer Science Pedagogy (formerly 15-539/15-890) | F18 | S20
CMU 17-437/17-637 Web Application Development (formerly 15-437/15-637)
| F08
| F09
| F12
| F13
| F14
| F15
| F16
| F17
| F18
CMU 17-413 Software Engineering Practicum (formerly 15-413)
| S13
| S14
| S15
| S16
| S18
Swarthmore CS/MATH 46 Theory of Computation
| S12
Swarthmore CS 35 Data Structures and Algorithms
| F11
Swarthmore CS 21 Introduction to Computer Science
| F10
| S11
Swarthmore CS 97 Senior Conference: Data Management Systems
| F10
| F11
CMU 15-211 Fundamental Data Structures and Algorithms
| S09
| S10
CMU 15-440 Distributed Systems
| F09
My research interests are in computer data management systems, particularly the performance, scalability, and power management of highly scalable distributed systems. As a teaching professor my research program is currently very limited; I typically advise only undergraduate and Master's student research projects.
A. Tomasic, J. Zimmerman, C. Garrod, Y. Huang, T. Nip, A. Steinfeld, “The Performance of a Crowdsourced Transportation Information System.” Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board 94th Annual Meeting (TRB), 2015.
Y. Huang, A. Tomasic, Y. An, C. Garrod, and A. Steinfeld. "Energy Efficient and Accuracy Aware (E2A2) Location Services via Crowdsourcing.'' Proceedings of the International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking, and Communications (WiMob), 2013.
J. Zimmerman, A. Tomasic, C. Garrod, D. Yoo, C. Hiruncharoenvate, R. Aziz, N. R. Thiruvengadam, Y. Huang, and A. Steinfeld. "Field Trial of Tiramisu: Crowd-Sourcing Bus Arrival Times to Spur Co-Design." Proceedings of the Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (SIGCHI), 2011. Recipient of CHI 2011 Honorable Mention.
A. Manjhi, C. Garrod, B. Maggs, T. Mowry, and A. Tomasic. "Holistic Query Transformations for Dynamic Web Applications." Proceedings of the International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), 2009.
K. Andreev, C. Garrod, D. Golovin, B. Maggs, and A. Meyerson. "Simultaneous Source Location." ACM Transactions on Algoritms (TALG) 2009 (conference version appeared in APPROX 2004).
C. Garrod, A. Manjhi, B. Maggs, T. Mowry, and A. Tomasic. "Holistic Application Analysis for Update-Independence." Proceedings of HotWeb, 2008.
C. Garrod, A. Manjhi, A. Ailamaki, B. Maggs, T. Mowry, C. Olston, and A. Tomasic. "Scalable Query Result Caching for Web Applications." Proceedings of the 34th International Conference on Very Large Databases (VLDB), 2008.
A. Manjhi, P. Gibbons, A. Ailamaki, C. Garrod, B. Maggs, T. Mowry, C. Olston, A. Tomasic, and H. Yu. "Invalidation Clues for Database Scalability Services." Proceedings of the International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE), 2007.
A. Tomasic, C. Garrod, and K. Poppendorf. "On the Evaluation of Symmetric Publish / Subscribe." Proceedings of the International Workshop on Performance and Evaluation of Data Management Systems (ExpDB), 2006.
C. Olston, A. Manhji, C. Garrod, A. Ailamaki, B. Maggs, and T. Mowry. "A Scalability Service for Dynamic Web Applications." Proccedings of the Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research (CIDR), 2005.
K. Andreev, C. Garrod, B. Maggs, and A. Meyerson. "Simultaneous Source Location." Proceedings of the International Workshop on Approximation Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization Problems (APPROX), 2004.