Title: Recipes for graph mining - pagerank, communities and more Speaker: Christos Faloutsos Abstract: First we shall give a quick overview of the 3 day short course. Then we shall cover fundamental concepts of graph mining, in 'recipe' format, and specifically: (a) How to spot 'important' nodes in a network. We shall cover pageRank, HITS, and we shall go deeper into singular value decomposition (SVD), and the closely related eigenvalue analysis. (b) How to find communities in a network. We shall mention 'METIS' and 'cross-associations', and draw attention to the surprising observation that social networks might *not* have good cuts. (c) How to handle time-evolving graphs, using the powerful tool of tensors (Parafac and Tucker decompositions) For all the topics, we will emphasize the intuition, and we will have exercises later in the afternoon.