Yahoo! Big Thinkers Events
Large Graph Mining - Patterns, tools and cascade analysis
Christos Faloutsos
June 6, 2013
What do graphs look like? How do they evolve over time?
How does influence/news/viruses propagate, over time?
We present a long list of static and temporal laws,
and some recent observations on real graphs.
For tools, we present an overview of the PEGASUS system
which is designed for handling Billion-node graphs,
running on top of the ``hadoop'' system.
Most of the reported results are from Yahoo's M45 machine.
We present its recent extension to handle ``tensors'',
like the subject-verb-object triplets of the NELL project
(Never ending language learner).
Finally, for cascades and propagation, we present
the 'spikeM' model and its ability to forecast
blog activity and virus propagation activity.