Nancy Pollard is an Associate Professor in the Robotics
Institute and the Computer Science Department at Carnegie Mellon
University. She received her PhD in Electrical Engineering and
Computer Science from the MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory in
1994. She was awarded an NSF CAREER grant in 2001 for research on
``Quantifying Humanlike
Enveloping Grasps'', and the Okawa Research Grant in 2006
for her work on ``Dexterity and
Natural Motion for Computer Graphics and Robotics''. Her
primary research objective is to understand how to create natural
motion for animated human characters and humanoid robots, with
particular focus on grasping, manipulation and hands. |
Jessica Hodgins joined the Robotics Institute and Computer
Science Department at Carnegie Mellon University as a Associate
Professor in fall of 2000. Prior to moving to CMU, she was an an
Associate Professor and Assistant Dean in the College of Computing
at Georgia Institute of Technology. She received her Ph.D. in
Computer Science from Carnegie Mellon University in 1989. She has
received a NSF Young Investigator Award, a Packard Fellowship, and
a Sloan Fellowship. She was editor-in-chief of ACM Transactions on
Graphics from 2000-2002 and Papers Chair for ACM SIGGRAPH
2003. |
Christos Faloutsos is a Professor at Carnegie Mellon
University. He has received the Presidential Young Investigator
Award by the National Science Foundation (1989), the Research
Contributions Award in ICDM 2006, ten ``best paper'' awards, and
several teaching awards. He has served as a member of the executive
committee of SIGKDD; he has published over 160 refereed articles,
11 book chapters and one monograph. He holds five patents and he
has given over 20 tutorials and 10 invited distinguished lectures.
His research interests include data mining for streams and graphs,
fractals, database performance, and indexing for multimedia and
bio-informatics data. |