Carnegie Mellon University
15-826 Multimedia Databases and Data Mining
Fall 2019 - C. Faloutsos
1. Preliminaries
There are three graded parts to the project:
- Phase 1: the project proposal (10%),
- Phase 2: the progress report (10%) and
- Phase 3: the final report (and poster, for the
non-default projects) (80%).
All projects will be done in groups of two.
2. Two types of projects -
'default' and 'non-default'.
- Masters students
-> 'default' project. This is on anomaly detection and
explanation, in graphs. This project is well defined,
focusing mainly on implementation, and it will strengthen
marketable skills: graph mining, social networks, anomaly
- Phd students (of any
department) -> You may choose. You could do
(a) the default project above, or (b) you may pick one of
the projects in the project list below, or (c) you may
propose another project, outside the list (contact instructor,
as early as possible!).The non-default projects are open ended,
and require more innovation - but may lead to a publication.
3. Due Dates
- As announced in the course schedule.
- Non-default projects will also have to do a poster, to
sharpen your presentation skills.
Created: Sept. 16, 2019, by Christos Faloutsos