Carnegie Mellon University
15-826 Multimedia Databases and Data Mining
Spring 2016 - C. Faloutsos
1. Preliminaries
There are three graded parts to the project:
- Phase 1: the project proposal (10%),
- Phase 2: the progress report (10%) and
- Phase 3: the final report and poster (80%).
All projects will be done in groups of two.
2. Two types of projects - 'default' and 'non-default'.
- Masters students: Work on the graph mining default project. This project is well defined, focusing mainly
on implementation, and it will strengthen marketable skills: graph mining, social networks, anomaly detection.
- Phd students: You may choose to do
- the defaul project above, or
- you may pick one of the projects in the project list
(internal to CMU). In that case, see the deliverables and the detailed grading scheme. The non-default
projects are
open ended, and require more innovation - but may lead to a
3. Due Dates
As announced in the course schedule. Non-default projects will also have to do a poster, to sharpen your presentation skills.
Created: Jan. 18, 2016, by Christos Faloutsos