Authors of accepted papers should submit their final camera-ready papers to by May 16, 2005 (firm deadline).
Camera-ready papers should not exceed six pages in length, and should use the format
and copyright notice mentioned above.
Authors of accepted papers should also submit a signed ACM Permission and Release Form,
so that their papers can be included in the ACM SIGMOD DiSC and in the ACM Digital Library.
(In addition, accepted papers will be included in the informal proceedings to be distributed
at the workshop, as well as made available on the workshop's Web site.) This form is available
and should be submitted to the workshop organizers by Friday June 10 via mail to:
Anastassia Ailamaki
Computer Science Department
Carnegie Mellon University
5000 Forbes Ave.
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
or by FAX to:
+1-412-268-5574, c/o Anastassia Ailamaki.