Unfolding an Indoor Origami World

In this work, we present a method for single-view reasoning about 3D surfaces and their relationships. We propose the use of mid-level constraints for 3D scene understanding in the form of convex and concave edges and introduce a generic framework capable of incorporating these and other constraints. Our method takes a variety of cues and uses them to infer a consistent interpretation of the scene. We demonstrate improvements over the state-of-the art and produce interpretations of the scene that link large planar surfaces
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ECCV Paper (pdf) Slides (pptx) Slides (pdf) Citation |
Extended Results
- Extended Scene Parse Gallery (PDF)
- Extended Scene Parse Gallery (Webpage)
- Extended Analysis on Significance, Stability (PDF)
This research is supported by:
- NDSEG Graduate Research Fellowship for David Fouhey
- NSF IIS-1320083
- ONR-MURI N000141010934
- A gift from Bosch Research & Technology Center
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