- What is an idiom?
- A stupid person
- A commonly-occurring sequence of computer instructions
- A bug in a computer program
- A snack for robots
b: Programming idioms are commonly-occurring instruction sequences.
Idioms serve as shortcuts; they offer quick solutions to problems that come up frequently.
- What is the term for remote control of a robot?
- Autonomy
- Blind Autonomy
- Teleportation
- Teleoperation
d: Teleoperation means remote control. Autonomy means self-control,
and blind autonomy means self-control without using sensors, like walking without looking
where you're going. Teleportation only happens on Star Trek.
- What idiom makes teleoperation possible?
- Listen to Gamepad
- Pursue and Consume
- Let Me Drive
- Follow the Leader
c: Let Me Drive is the teleoperation idiom.
- How do you run or stop a Calypso program?
- Click on the "Run" icon
- Press the "Start" button on the game controller, or the Home key on the keyboard
- Press the "Back" button on the game controller, or the backspace key on the keyboard
- Press the Enter key on the keyboard
c: The Back button on the game controller runs or stops a program.
The backspace key on the keyboard does the same thing.
- Which game control makes the robot drive or turn?
- The left stick
- the right stick
- The D-Pad (directional pad)
- The shoulder buttons (bumpers)
a: The left stick is used to drive the robot forward or backward, or
turn left or right.
- Which game control tilts the robot's head up or down?
- The left stick
- the right stick
- The D-Pad (directional pad)
- The shoulder buttons (bumpers)
b: Moving the right stick up or down tilts the head. Moving the right stick
to the side does nothing on Cozmo because Cozmo cannot turn his head, but some other robots can.
- Which game control moves the lift up or down?
- The left stick
- the right stick
- The D-Pad (directional pad)
- The shoulder buttons (bumpers)
d: The shoulder buttons move the lift up (left button) or down (right button).
- How can you help Cozmo build his world map?
- Drive him around so he sees the objects he should.
- Hold objects up to his face.
- Hide all the objects so his empty world map will be correct.
- You shouldn't help him; make him do it on his own.
a: Guiding Cozmo with the game controller so he
looks at new objects helps him add them to his world map.