Calypso Module 3 Review and Discovery

If you aren't sure of an answer, feel free to review the module again.

  1. What kind of rule causes Cozmo to go to an object?

    1. A chase rule.
    2. A travel rule.
    3. A consume rule.
    4. A pursue rule.

    A pursue rule causes Cozmo to go to an object. If the object is moving, Cozmo will follow it (if he doesn't lose sight of it).

  2. What tiles do we use to move Cozmo to the object?

    1. "move to"
    2. "move toward"
    3. "move ahead"
    4. "move cube"

    The "move" action tile and the "toward" argument tile cause Cozmo to move to an object. "Move ahead" tells Cozmo to drive straight ahead.

  3. When Cozmo has to pick which cube to pursue, what does he choose?

    1. The closest one.
    2. The brightest one.
    3. Whichever one he sees first.
    4. He chooses at random.

    When faced with a choice, Cozmo picks whichever option is closest to him.

  4. What is the First Law of Calypso?

    1. Do unto Cozmo as you would have Cozmo do unto you.
    2. Always pick the closest object of any type.
    3. Each rule picks the closest matching object.
    4. Let Me Drive

    Each rule picks the closest matching object. A rule only picks objects that match its pattern, e.g., a "red cube" rule will not match a blue cube. And each rule makes its own choice, independent of what the other rules are doing.

  5. What is guided pursuit?

    1. Driving Cozmo to an object instead of letting him move on his own.
    2. Using the left stick to push Cozmo toward an object which he then pursues because it's closest.
    3. Using the world map to find objects.
    4. A special feature of simulator mode.

    In guided pursuit, we use the left stick to nudge Cozmo toward the object we want him to pursue. When this becomes the closest matching object, he will start pursuing it on his own.

  6. What does it mean when a rule is dimmed?

    1. Dimming indicates that an error has occurred.
    2. Rules automatically dim when the battery level gets low.
    3. Dimmed rules are not running, because their WHEN part is false.
    4. Rules are dimmed when their DO part doesn't make sense.

    The WHEN part of a rule is dimmed when it is false, and lit when it is true. When the WHEN part is false, the rule cannot run; its action won't even be attempted, so the DO part is dimmed as well.

  7. What's special about Cozmo being on the charger?

    1. He can't see when he's on the charger.
    2. He gets unhappy if he's left on the charger.
    3. He won't move if he's on the charger, even if you tell him to.
    4. As soon as he's put on the charger, he goes to sleep.

    Cozmo will not move when he's on the charger. This is a safety precaution. He can still see and speak, but he won't drive or move his head or lift.

  8. When does a rule run?

    1. When it feels like it.
    2. When its WHEN part is true.
    3. When it's dimmed.
    4. When it's the only rule on the page.

    A rule runs whenever its WHEN part is true. When it runs, it attempts to perform its DO part action. The action could fail, such as when the robot tries to grab something but it's too far away. Or the action could be blocked by other rules. The rule is still said to "run"; it doesn't matter whether the action succeeds.

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