Kodu Curriculum Modules

Modules: Click here to download all the curriculum modules as a zip archive.

Worlds: Click here for a zip archive of all the Kodu worlds used in these modules, or here to download individual worlds. Here is some advice on importing and exporting Kodu worlds.

Tiles: Here is the Standard Kodu Tile Setup for use with these curriculum modules.

South Fayette: Click here for resources for the South Fayette Kodu Pilot experiment.

Resources: Click here to return to the main Kodu Resources page.

Module 1 Old lesson plan 1: Kodu intro; Eating apples in the Kodu world
New lesson plan 1: Kodu intro; Eating apples in the Kodu world
Couplets: analyzing Pursue and Consume programs
Treasure Hunt exercise: explore a world to locate objects
Apple1X tips: pursue and eat apples; compete with the fish
Star1X tips: pursue and eat all the stars
Star2 exercise: pursue and eat both hearts and coins (rule ordering)
Closest1 exercise: the First Law of Kodu
Laws of Kodu exercise: participatory demonstration of the laws
Flee1X exercise: flee the pushpad, pursue and eat the coins
Worksheet 1: Pursue and Consume idiom, nearest object first
Worksheet 2: Pursue and Consume idiom, nearest object first
Worksheet 3: Pursue and Consume idiom, nearest object first
Worksheet 4: First Law of Kodu exercise
Practice sheet 1: Reading rules
Practice sheet 2: Pursue and Consume
Practice sheet 3: Applying the First Law
Practice sheet 4: Couplets practice: simple cases
Practice sheet 5: Couplets practice: tricky cases
Homework 1: Make a Pursue and Consume demo
Slides for module 1 and PowerPoint source
Pursue Rule Firing slides
Module 2 Lesson plan 2: Color filters with Pursue and Consume
Apple2 tips: Eat red apples; grab blue ones
Apple2X tips: Competing for randomly-generated red and blue apples
Ball1 exercise: Pursuing moving targets: eat orange balls, grab purple ones
Assessment 2: "Pursue" rules, "Consume" rules, color filter
Paint1 tips: paint the white or black huts blue
Homework 2: Make a color-sensitive Pursue and Consume
Slides for module 2 and PowerPoint source
Module 3 Lesson plan 3: Indentation and scores; Do Two Things and Count Actions idioms
Measure1 exercise: how far away can an object be eaten?
HeartCannon1X exercise: combine Pursue and Consume with Count Actions
BoomPipes1 exercise: combine Pursue and Consume with Count Actions
Assessment 3: Pursue and Consume, rule dependency, and indentation
Giver1 tips: combine Pursue and Consume with Do Two Things
Fruit salad tips: combine Pursue and Consume with Count Actions
Two shooter tips: simple two-player game
Homework 3: Make a Count Actions or Do Two Things world
Slides for module 3 and PowerPoint source
Module 4 Lesson plan 4: Rule ordering; Default Value idiom
CountFish1 exercise: use of Default Value idiom with "color" action
Assessment 4: Rule ordering; playing a pursuit sound; Default Value bugs
Castles1 exercise: use of Default Value idiom with "move wander"
Slides for module 4 and PowerPoint source
Module 5 Lesson plan 5: State machines; Show Page As Color idiom
State1 exercise: A three-state state machine
Drawing States exercise: Translating rules to a state machine diagram; unreachable states
CS Unplugged exercises: Simulating state machine execution
Assessment 5: Translating between rules and state machines; predicting behavior
Slides for module 5 and PowerPoint source
Module 6 Lesson plan 6: Basic paths; Follow the Yellow Brick Road idiom
HexGraph1 exercise: Following a series of paths using a state machine
Ants1 exercise: Ant trap (combines pursuit, path following, and state machines)
Assessment 6: Paths and graph structures
Slides for module 6 and PowerPoint source

Dave Touretzky
Last modified: Mon May 29 17:04:50 EDT 2017