Harold's Journal: Shifting Into Their 'Delay Game'
Editorial Opinion By R. W. Lobsinger
The Newkirk Herald Journal,
16 August 1990
In predictable fashion, Scientology's Narconon managed to avoid the injunction hearing set for last Tuesday by asking for a "continuance". They got the hearing delayed until September 7 at 2:30 pm because their latest lawyer had a vacation scheduled for this week. Or quickly scheduled one.
In the meantime, Narconon continues to operate an unlicensed and uncertified facility.
The date for the new hearing is September 7, incidentally, not September 2 which is a Sunday. The wrong date was widely publicized earlier this week in other area papers. But it makes little difference...
In the meantime, Narconon continues to operate an unlicensed and uncertified facility.
According to District Attorney Joe Wideman, Narconon has until about August 30 to ask for "removal" to Federal Court.
In the meantime, Narconon continues to operate an unlicensed and uncertified facility.
That would negate the September 7th day in District Court... and a new date, probably in October, will have to be set for Federal Court in Oklahoma City instead of Newkirk. So few of us will be able to attend anyway.
In the meantime, Narconon continues to operate an unlicensed and uncertified facility.
In October, Narconon will probably ask for a "continuance" in Federal Court... and a new date will be set for November.
In the meantime, Narconon continues to operate an unlicensed and uncertified facility. You kinda get the picture?
It has been written by the guru of psychobabble that his followers are never to allow legal problems to interfere with the delivery of "services". They recognize how easy that is to do. We hope the court system also recognizes that fact, because...
In the meantime, Narconon continues to operate an unlicensed and uncertified facility.