National Chilocco Alumni Association Unanimously Passes Resolution And Position Statement Opposing Narconon
The Newkirk Herald Journal,
28 June 1990
OKLA. CITY, 28 June 1990 - The National Chilocco Alumni Association unanimously approved a resolution on Saturday, June 9, strongly opposing the establishment of Scientology's front organization Narconon on the old Chilocco Indian Agricultural School just north of Newkirk.
The resolution, presented to the membership during the business meeting at the annual Chilocco Reunion in Oklahoma City, was overwhelmingly approved following about 30 minutes of discussion.
Copies of the resolution were to be forwarded to all of the members of the Chilocco Development Authority, the chiefs or chairpersons of each of the five tribes which own Chilocco Campus, and will be distributed across the state for publication or broadcast.
The National Chilocco Alumni Association has members in nearly every state in the union, and former Chilocco students represent dozens of tribes from Alaska to Florida. In addition to the resolution, the Chilocco Alumni Association has issued a Position Statement which reads as follows:
"Chilocco Indian Agricultural School came into being by an act of Congress, approved May 17, 1882, which appropriated $25,000 for the purpose of constructing a building. It opened its doors in 1884; sadly, it closed its doors as an educational center for Indian children in 1980... less than a century later. We use the term educational center because Chilocco was more than a school; it was:
A home for those who had none.
A family for those who had none.
Parents for those who had none.
A teaching center for those with a thirst to learn.
A training ground for those with a desire for new skills.
A discovery in the pride of being Indian.
The memories of thousands of students from five generations inhabit the halls and grounds of Chilocco. These lives have touched others from coast to coast, to Europe, to Southeast Asia, and all parts of the globe. In more cases than our pleasant to remember, many of our own never came home from those far-flung lands.
The lives of our graduates have inspired and influenced the course of other lives because of the skills and direction discovered at Chilocco. We have contributed to the fields of medicine, education, business, law, trades and fine arts, and just about any other profession which comes to mind. We are legion!
Chilocco, then, holds a very special place in the hearts of all of us. It is home! As our home, it retains certain ideals which we hold dear: dignity, respect, honesty, courage, and integrity.
When representatives of Narconon first spoke to us, they said we were always welcome. Today, they require us to pay for the privilege of walking those grounds which we made sacred.
When representatives of Narconon first spoke to us, they said we were free to visit. Today, they restrict, under arms, those grounds which we roamed in the freedom of a family.
When representatives of Narconon first spoke to us, they said they worked to help cure those illnesses of alcohol and substance abuse which afflict us. Today, they train their own in disciplines which are foreign to everything the Indian holds dear.
When representatives of Narconon first spoke to us, they said 15 out of every 100 beds would be free for Indians. Today, they have fewer than 100 beds, none of which are free.
When representatives of Narconon first spoke to us, they said they had no connection to the Church of Scientology. Today, they recruit freely on the campus of Chilocco. In short, Narconon dishonors all Chiloccoans!
For the reasons specified above, we, the members of the Chilocco National Alumni Association have passed the resolution which is attached to this position statement. There are many other reasons for the objection to the use of the Chilocco campus by Narconon, but, we feel that those we have stated amply justify the position we publicly take."
"A Resolution Duly Adopted By The Chilocco National Alumni Association Rejecting The Continued Use Of The Chilocco Campus By Narconon
Whereas, Narconon representatives informed the Chilocco National Alumni Association that the campus was to be used as a drug rehabilitation center only; and
Whereas, Narconon misrepresented the use of the Chilocco campus, as stated by John Duff (Tulsa, June '89), by developing a training center for Scientology; and
Whereas, Narconon further misrepresented the use of the Chilocco campus, as stated by Ms. E. Fulton (Tulsa, June '89), who proclaimed that Narconon had no connection with the Church of Scientology; and
Whereas, Narconon has begun an active recruiting campaign on the Chilocco campus for the Church of Scientology
Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved the Chilocco National Alumni Association does not support the continued use of the Chilocco campus by Narconon; and
Be It Further Resolved the Chilocco National Alumni Association rejects in the strongest possible terms, the use by Narconon of the name Chilocco for any purpose; and
Be It Further Resolved the Chilocco National Alumni Association urges the Board of the Chilocco Development Authority to consider other, more appropriate ventures for the use of the Chilocco campus; and Be It Finally Resolved the Chilocco National Alunmi Association requests the Chilocco Development Authority to require Narconon to discontinue the use of the name Chilocco in further activities.
We, James R. McGirt, President, and Emily King Bunny, Secretary, Chilocco National Alumni Association, do hereby certify that this Resolution is a true and exact copy as approved by the membership at the annual meeting held on June 9, 1990. There was a quorum present and this Resolution was adopted unanimously with none opposed and none abstaining."
Attached to the Position Statement and Resolution were the names of the members of the National Chilocco Alumni Association Board of Directors, and names of the presidents of each of the Regional Chilocco Alumni chapters.
One of the members told the group she was from California and her daughter had "gotten hooked up" with Scientology out there. "I know what it's all about!" she told the audience.
Another person related how she had stopped by Chilocco on the way to the annual meeting. "They stopped us at the gate, made us sign in, and tried to charge us $5 each for a tour!" she said indignantly. "We couldn't go anywhere by ourselves... we had to have a guide. I 'know that campus intimately. It's my home! I know it better than any of those people. I sure don't need a guided tour." Others told similar stories.
This Friday, Narconon has announced it will begin its three day grand opening celebration at the Chilocco campus. But it will apparently do so with no support from the Chilocco Alumni Association. And little support from the leadership of the five tribes who own the campus. According to one tribal chairperson, chairpersons from three of the tribes have indicated they will not attend the ceremony; another tribe is considering boycotting the event, and only one tribal chair appears to be interested in attending the $2,000.00 per person event. Instead, there will be a special meeting of the members of the Chilocco Development Authority Friday, during which the lease agreement with Narconon will be discussed.
In a June 23 story in the Tulsa World by Patti Weaver, the head of the Chilocco Development Authority, Robert Chapman, is quoted as saying he was not pleased with the terms of the lease. CDA vice chairman Delbert A. Cole, who is also chairman of the Ponca tribe, said in the same article that he considers the lease "a bad business deal."
"Our attorney is researching the business lease to find out if it is stated anywhere they (Narconon) must have state certification before they can operate." Cole said.
Narconon and Scientology printed material indicates that Narconon has been treating patients since about March at the Chilocco facility. But State Mental Health Department spokesperson Rosemary Brown said Narconon has not applied for state certification. Narconon's certificate of need expires June 30, and Brown said it would be impossible for them to obtain certification by that date since the board does not meet until July 12.
"We want them to abide by state rules and regulations," Chapman said. "I expect them to be state certified like the plans in the beginning."
Cole told the World he has been instructed by the Ponca tribal council "not to have anything to do with Narconon."
"They sidestep the issues. We can't get a direct answer from them," Cole said of his difficulty in getting information from Narconon officials.