Letter to the Editor: Thank You
The Oklahoman
December 6, 1990
Some weeks ago I wrote to your paper explaining why I had chosen publicly to support the Narconon drug rehabilitation program by becoming its international spokeswoman. Recently, I was able to visit the Narconon Chilocco New Life Center during a short visit to Wichita.
It was very moving for me to see and meet all these people who are being given a new life.
What I would like to do through your newspaper is to thank the people I met during my visit for their kindness and hospitality. I met people I could relate to because, like me, they have spent years on drugs and have now found a way out. There is a way out of drug addiction, and the methods L. Ron Hubbard developed have worked for them as they worked for me.
So thank you, Narconon, and thank you to all my relatives in Kansas and friends in Oklahoma. Also, I'd like to thank your paper for the fair coverage you gave to my visit.
Kirstie Alley, Los Angeles