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Media Articles - 2000s

Last updated
10 December 2002
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Narconon refused state subsidy

De Telegraaf, Netherlands
27 February 2001

[Note: this is a summary of a longer report]

Minister Borst of the Department of Public Health is not planning on providing any subsidy to the Narconon Netherlands Foundation. Borst wrote in a letter to the Lower House of the Dutch parliament that Narconon is not a care center and thus won't be entitled for support.

Borst points out that the treatment at Narconon differentiates to what is common in drug rehab (cold turkey, fast detoxification and large quantities of vitamins and minerals) and that many ex-clients are used.

According to Borst, it has never been shown that these methods work and besides that notes that the Narconon ideas originate at the Scientology Church.