This is a summary of the morning news on TV 4, translated by Catarina Pamnell:
NEWS: Sweden, TV 4 morning talk show 8th April 98
Following the last three days of media exposure, Narconon was today discussed on the daily morning talk show of TV4. lnvited guests were the present head of the National board for health and care (Socialstyrelsen, BoS), Claes Oertendahl, and Member of Parliament Barbro Westholm (liberal party) who has also preoviously been head of SoS.
Here's a summary:
Headline for the discussion: Should Scientology activities be financed with tax money?
Westerholm arqued that tax money should not be used for Narconon, as the program does not live up to the quality standards required by the Law of health and sick care (Haelso and sjukvaardslagen) and the Law of social services (Socialvaardslagen). According to the available medical evaluation, she said, the program might even be harmful. SoS [who hold the national responsibility for overseeing all health and care establishments, and to present guidelines to these] should give this information to the Provincial boards (Laensstyrelser) [who are responsible for health and care in their province, and who grants licences to individual establishments) and the social boards of cities (socialnaemnder) [who pay for the treatment of addicts].
Oertendahl basically admitted that they had done little about this, but said the responsibility lies with the Provincial boards who grant licenses. SoS could state their requirements, such as medical supervision of the program, but it's up to the Provincial boards to decide.
O. also agreed that the Narconon program does not conform to expected standards "scientific evaluation and tried medical experience".
W. said the intention of the law is clean and if SoS is still not able to step in because of some loophole in present legislation, this should be corrected.
O. said it was possible for SOS to monitor doctors involved in running the program, though this has not yet been done.
W. demanded active inspections by SOS, as Narconon is aimed at people who have little possibilities to speak for themselves in society, and such inspections are done in other fields (homes for the elderly, care for disabled persons, etc.)
O. claimed not having enougt resources - a question of priorities, he said. The Provincial boards should be handling this.
W. ended by saying the SOS ought to stress the seriousness of this mattor in their information to the Provincial boards.
[Oertendahl seemed a bit uncomfortable about the attention this mattor is getting, though he's keeping a straight face]