Scientology Chief Blames Conspiracy for Troubles
By Wayne Greene, World Capitol Bureau
Tulsa World
September 18, 1992
A regimen of vitamins, exercise and saunas really will cure drug addiction, and cure radiation poisoning, too, the president of the Church of Scientology International said Thursday.
The Rev. Heber Jentzsch, the head of the church based on the meditations of a science-fiction writer and accused by some of being a cult, also alleged that a conspiracy of psychiatrists and drug dealers was responsible for the troubles that nearly scuttled a Newkirk drug treatment center employing his beliefs.
After months of legal and bureaucratic battling, the state mental health board in August exempted the Narconon New Life drug treatment center from state certification.
The state Health Department has yet to license the center, but Deputy Health Commissioner Brent VanMeter said he expected that final action will be accomplished soon, allowing the controversial center to operate freely.
Jentzsch, in the state to meet with regional Scientology leaders, said he was using his visit to try to recast public perceptions of the battle and his church's beliefs.
"No one got down to why does this program work, and it does work," he said.
Scientology holds several controversial beliefs that fly in the face of generally accepted psychological doctrine, including: