Findings of the accompanying state inspection of the activities of Narconon, e.V. This report was written for the city of (then West) Berlin in xxxxxx by Dr. Wolfgang Heckmann, a psychiatrist who served as Drugs Delegate of the State of Berlin (i.e. the city's senior adviser on drug issues). At issue was whether Narconon should be supported financially by the Berlin government. Heckmann recommended against this, citing a range of problems with Narconon's methods and its poor success rate, which he calculated from its own figures as being little more than 10% of clients. Another striking finding made by Heckmann was the degree to which Narconon used Scientology practices, including the use of the Scientology electrometer or E-meter. (Compare this with the 1974 report commissioned by the California Department of Health; many of the issues raised are identical.) The report is available in English and German (as an Adobe PDF file; you will need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader to view it). |