Session Thirty-Two

Jungle Jamboree

West took one look at Ann and flew back quickly to rejoin the party. They approached as a group, and Triben tentatively called out to her. She was responsive, and got up to leave with them. She had to be convinced to leave the bullywug head behind, and was acting very strangely. She had a far-off look in her eyes, and tended to mutter the same word to herself over and over. "Hop hop hop hop" for a while, then "bounce bounce bounce", and so on. The party kep their distance as they traveled, and decided that the monk's staff must have somehow posessed her. Since she was still somewhat able to perform, they decided to leave well enough alone until they could get her back to Irongate.

With West scouting ahead, the party moved in the direction of the ziggurat. They intended to attempt to sway the Lizardfolk with word of the captured village. West saw that most of the lizardfolk had moved from the villages surrounding the ziggurat and had formed a great circle around it. A lone lizardfolk stood about halfway up the ziggurat. The party decided to stop outside the ring of villages. Gronk would go in to negotiate with West providing cover, while the other three stood in reserve.

Gronk tentatively approached the ziggurat, enduring much hostile hissing as he was noticed by the ring of lizardfolk. "Let him speak!" the chieftan called out, and they gradually fell silent. Gronk began his carefully rehearsed speech, only to have it interrupted by a handful of bullywugs bursting out of the nearby swamp edge. As the lizardfolk menacingly approached them, the leader called out "Oh great Wastri, I invoke you. Deliver unto these heathens the Frog Blessing, that they may bask in your awesome glory!"

Unexpected Visitors

Enraged, the lizardfolk descended on the bullywugs, tearing them limb from limb in mere moments. As the slaughter died down, it became obvious that the weather was changing, and not for the better. Dark storm clouds roiled up from nowhere, blanketing the sky. In moments it was completely overcast. Gronk leapt as a frog came from nowhere, splashing mud on his feet. Looking up, he realized frogs were raining from the sky. They pelted into the clearing around the ziggurat. As they landed, their bodies starting twisting, writhing, and growing rapidly. Many warped into toads as big as men, while thousands grew into armed bullywugs.

Bullywugs and lizardfolk immediately started tearing into each other. While the rest of the party rushed to join the battle, Gronk realized that several of the toads were hopping into each other, warping into one obscenely large creature. It grew into a massive beast twenty feet from nose to tail.

The rest of the party saw a dark rain, but were too far to realize what had happened. Nevertheless, they were very suspicious of the rain and made best speed for the ziggurat. When they arrived, they found West in the middle of a huge battle between lizard- and frog-folk. Bolts of lighting rained down from the heavens. Huge snakes slithered in to defend the lizardfolk, but the gigantic frog dominated the battlefield, easily crushing any who got in its way.

West flew over the battle, raining lighting down on foes and summoning creatures to face the giant frog. Minos tried teleporting to atop the ziggurat, but the stone pillars atop it transformed into large stone lizardfolk and stabbed at him with spears. He quickly retreated down to the base of the ziggurat and gave his attention to the giant frog, manifesting walls of fire around it. Gronk worked the battle just outside the frog's range, tearing apart any bullywugs foolish enough to get caught near him. Triben slammed the giant frog with magical attacks, while Ann tore into the bullywugs.

Failing Heart

While flying overhead, West noticed that an organized group was making for the top of the ziggurat. He cried out for assistance and attempted to engage them, but the group was able to resist his assault. Most were engaged by the stone lizardfolk, but one made it to the beating heart at the ziggurat's apex. Even as a stone spear pierced him from behind, the bullywug threw the heart towards the giant frog. The frog's tongue lanced out, snatching the heart from midair and swallowing it.

Distraught, the party turned their full attention to the beast. Gronk tried to engage without getting swallowed up, while Ann sprung and tumbled her way atop the creature's skull. Their focused energies finally managed to slay the beast, but the battle raged around them. For several hours they assisted the lizardfolk, finally routing the bullywugs into the swamp.

When the day was finally won, they returned to the giant frog carcass. Ann climbed down its throat and cast about its stomach for the heart, but could not find it. When she emerged empty-handed, the party sliced the beast open. Their search ultimately proved futile, so they cast about the battlefield and were able to recover significant spoils from the dead bullywugs. The party then retreated to their campsite of the previous night to consider their next move.

Treasure and XP

Battlefield Spoils