The party thought long and hard that night. Gronk was torn between obligations, while each of the other three members wanted to take a different tack. In addition, there were still both Vali and the mysterious dwarven smith to worry about. After much rumination, the party initially decided to press into Onnwal in an attempt to turn the tide there. Triben managed to sway the party, though, convincing them that securing Irongate's fallen outlying fortifications, such as the redoubt, was most important. If Irongate fell while they fought for Onnwal, the net result would be a huge loss.
The next morning, they reluctantly and with great difficulty sent the humans away. They informed the Ahlissan they would try to get to the problem when they could, but couldn't make any promises. The Onnwal man was told they had one pressing but brief engagement, and then they would be along to stem the hobgoblin plague. Both were given phantom steeds, but the party could not help feeling they'd let both communities down.
The next order of business was to ensure that Faisal was on the level. After he willingly subjected himself to a truth spell, he explaned that he and Corin were part of a loose organization devoted to converting traditionally neutral and evil beings to goodness. They followed a celestial entity known as Barachiael. When Corin did not check in at an expected time, Faisal got worried and started tracking him down. The trail led to the party.
Satisfied with his explanation, the group related that they had given a copy of a map to Corin -- a map to the Vast Swamp. They related the situation as they had left it, and provided a copy to Faisal. He thanked them for their help, they wished each other luck, and Faisal departed.
Finally, the party approached Lognar and notified him they'd join his endavour. West, who had flown out to the redoubt overnight, related what he had found. The fallen dwarves of the redoubt appeared to have been twisted and raised as living dead -- wights. Further, weird arcane symbols were tatooed onto some of their bodies. Lastly, the great adamantine doors of the redoubt were gone, replaced by cold iron doors with more weird symbology on them.
Lognar revealed that he had some mercenaries already lined up in addition to the party, and asked for help planing their excursion. After much discussion, the group decided to use one of four secret entrances into the redoubt, coming out near the old laird's quarters. They'd rush the area, seeking the necromancer apparently in charge. If he wasn't there, they'd follow the southernmost path to the temple, which they identifed as the other likely place to find their foe. Two other nearby secret passages would afford them escape after their forray.
The party agreed to leave the next morning. Lognar left to notify his men, while the party prepared spell and steel for the upcoming battle.