Unfamiliar face. Unfamiliar voice. Unfamiliarity is a catalyst of curiosity and a stimulant of caution. A novel song heard by fishermen in the sea somewhere near ancient Greece was attractive and frightening. The unfamiliarity of those songs, which sirens sang to the sea, perhaps about their diasporas, degenerated their voices into temptations of death. Mute. Sound is a wave transmitted through a medium. The sound that does not touch our body, that does not vibrate our eardrums or skins or bones, is not a sound. It is the compulsory silence because the sound has lost its medium or has had its medium unwillingly transmuted. The voice of sirens is not able to be heard, not able to be seen. Visualization. Sirens (Siren 3, 2005) persist in unfolding and manifesting themselves regardless. Their voices sprout from their bodies, deforming their heads and faces. Like this, they “sing.” Let it be visible what we do not hear, let it be audible what we do not see. Ahimsa. (Non-violence.) Let no other approve the becoming otherness of others. We, others, may not speak in violence, in suppression, or in compulsion. Like swimming in water. Water and the body interact by constantly reshaping themselves while accepting each other’s essence. Let us search the fluid larynx. Membrane. A space consisting of living membranes do not confine. Dead membranes fossilize and do not penetrate. Let them submerge through three membranes and transform into flux bodies that interact with the fluid space. (Membranes, 2011) Through three steps of changes, let them integrate into the fluid space, which made of particles and gravity. Let the participant dance along the continuum from the micro to macro levels of our universe and its fluidity, from creation to destruction, and from integration to dissipation. (Shin’m 2.0, 2011) Wetland and Wet Voices. Wetland is where the variety of lives circulates and where the contaminated water purifies through the processes of living. It resembles the zone around a SeoNang Tree, the guardian tree of towns in Korea. In the search of lost voices, let us sing in Wet Voices. Let me search with Wet Digital Media that audiovisualizes, embraces, penetrates, interacts, and joyously transforms. * This English version is not a direct translation of its Korean version. |