Hypertextual structure of the knowledge related to the traces of an architectural project

Abstract : Within the framework of the MOPIA project (Modeling of computer assistant tool for architects) we are interested in the knowledge manipulated by an architect. The elements (drawings, photos, editings, models...) that remain from the conception by an ar-chitect of an architectural object are the only tangible exteriorizations of knowledge, witnessing the project as a process. To understand these traces we must first study the course of the conception, recognize the pro-cesses that it is made of, the knowledge and the tools brought into play and understand their relationship. We present here our approach and we explain how we intend to reveal the meaning of the traces through the evolution and the hypertextual structuring of the project knowledge.

Keywords :Conception, Modeling, Hypotexte, Macroscopic knowledge, Semantic anchors.

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