15-312 Foundations of Programming Languages
Assignment 8: Concurrent Programming with Futures
Questions? Send mail or
post to the bboard.
- 2002-12-02 From bboard post:
To: post+academic.cs.15-312@andrew.cmu.edu
Subject: asst8 rules clarifications
Date: Mon, 02 Dec 2002 16:56:53 -0500
From: Joshua Dunfield
There are some "obvious" (to me) transition rules which I didn't
really intend for you to have to write. Unfortunately, I neglected to
give these to you (or to tell you that you didn't need to give them).
They are:
P, p: k > leaf |--> P, p: k < leaf
P, p: k > node(e,eL,eR) |--> P, p: k |> node([],eL, eR) > e
P, p: k |> node([],eL, eR) < v |--> P, p: k |> node(v, [], eR) > eL
P, p: k |> node(v, [], eR) < vL |--> P, p: k |> node(v, vL, []) > eR
P, p: k |> node(v, vL, []) < vR |--> P, p: k < node(v, vL, vR)
P, p: k |> treecase(Leaf, e1, x.l.r.e2) |--> P, p: k > e1
P, p: k |> treecase(Node(ex,eL,eR), e1, x.l.r.e2) |--> P, p: k > {ex/x, eL/l, eR/r} e2
- 2002-12-02: In the "Experimenting with Futures" section,
the instructions for testing Quicksort were unmitigated nonsense. To
test Quicksort in a sensible way, a new function,
Top.random_seq, has been added to top.sml. The only change to the handout
is that "Top.ordered_random (17,27) n" has been changed to "Top.random_seq (17,27) n".
- 2002-12-05, 7:48pm: Download the current top.sml
for a usable implementation of Top.seq for the set union/intersection
- 2002-12-05, 8:52pm: Download the current top.sml
for a usable implementation of Top.random_seq.
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