15-814 Types and Programming Languages
We will be using Zoom for synchronous (same time) sessions. The link
is available on
Canvas > Zoom.
Please make sure that your Internet connection and equipment are set
up to use Zoom and able to share audio and video during class
(See Computing
Resources for information on the technology you are likely to
need.) If you foresee issue, please contact the me as soon as
Sharing video: In this course, being able to see one another helps
to facilitate a better learning environment and promote more
engaging discussions. Therefore, our default will be to expect
students to have their cameras on during lectures and
discussions. However, I also completely understand there may be
reasons students would not want to have their cameras on, so it is
not a requirement. Note: You may use a background image in your
video if you wish; just check in advance that this works with your
device(s) and internet bandwidth.
All synchronous classes will be recorded via Zoom so that students
in this course (and only students in this course) can watch or
re-watch past class sessions. Please note that breakout rooms will
not be recorded. I will make the recordings available on Canvas as
soon as possible after each class session (usually within 3 hours of
the class meeting). Recordings will live in our Canvas
website. Please note that you are not allowed to share these
recordings. This is to protect your FERPA rights and those of your
fellow students.
Active contributions by students are integral part of this course
and a significant part of the learning experience. Therefore,
students should attend the synchronous (same-time) lectures if
feasible and ask and answer questions either by voice or in the chat
window. I recognize that there are some for whom this will not be
consistently possible, so the course offers other ways to contribute
to the class. Specifically, you may ask or answer public questions
on Piazza or participate during the community office hour.
There will be three office hours each week, and you may schedule
additional meetings if those are insufficient or the times are not
suitable. The office hours are divided into
community office hours and personal office
hours. You may join community office hours via the
appropriate Zoom link in Canvas and ask questions or participate in
the exchange. The personal office hour uses a waiting area and I
intend to answer question or provide help one-on-one.
All assignments have due dates indicated on the schedule and
assignment pages. In general, submitting assignments on time lets
the instructional team provide feedback in a more timely and
efficient manner. Assignments build on each other, so timely
submissions are crucial to your progress in the class. However,
given present circumstances, I will not strictly enforce the
assignment deadlines. But please note that advance notice is
required if your homework is delayed, and grading may take longer
for late hand-ins compared to those submitted by the deadline.
If you have a disability and have an accommodations letter from the
Disability Resources office, I encourage you to discuss your
accommodations and needs with me as early in the semester as
possible. I will work with you to ensure that accommodations are
provided as appropriate. If you suspect that you may have a
disability and would benefit from accommodations but are not yet
registered with the Office of Disability Resources, I encourage you
to contact them at
There are a lot of unknowns this semester, plus a less-than-ideal
mode of lecture delivery, office hours, and exams, all of which add
to the usual academic stress. Please reach out to me at
fp@cs.cmu.edu should you need support, help, or accommodations, or
come to the regularly scheduled personal office hour on Zoom.
The university also offers support and counseling and we encourage
you to take advantage of it if you experience difficult life events,
or feelings like anxiety or depression. Counseling and
Psychological Services (CaPS) is here to help: call 412-268-2922 and
visit their website
at http://www.cmu.edu/counseling.
Consider reaching out to a friend, faculty or family member you
trust for help getting connected to the support that can help.
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Frank Pfenning