15-851 Computation and Deduction
Assignment 4
Please hand in a copy of your code electronically (see for instructions).
Exercise 5.11
Write Elf programs to determine if a Mini-ML expression is free of the
recursion operation fix and at the same time linear,
i.e. every bound variable occurs exactly once. Since only one branch in
a case statement will be taken during evaluation, a bound variable must
occur exactly once in each branch in a linear expression.
Note: you do not have to program the test whether
a program is affine or relevant as stated in the notes.
Exercise 3.18
Consider a language extension to support lazy evaluation in
Mini-ML. For this we introduce a new type constructor # , where
#t is the type of suspensions of type t . There should
be a new constructor delay e and a destructor
let delay u = e1 in
e2. The intent is that we substitute an expression for u which
need not be a value.
- Extend typing, value, and evaluation judgements.
- Define a function force which has type (#a) -> a for a
type variable a.
- Prove that force(delay e) evaluates to
v if and only if e evaluates to v according
to your operational semantics.
- Represent the new expression constructors in LF.
- Represent the new value constructors in LF.
- Represent the new evaluation rules in LF.
- Extend the proof of type preservation.
- Extend the proof of value soundness.
- Extend the definition of the value soundness judgement and give a
representation of the new cases in LF.
- Another choice of primitives for suspensions are
delay e and
force e. Compare this to the primitives
delay and let delay used above. Do you
see any advantages or disadvantages?
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Frank Pfenning