15-462 Computer Graphics
Assignment 3 - Mobile Animation
100 points
As discussed in lecture, hierarchical modeling is a powerful tool in
computer graphics and animation. In this assignment you will implement
a program that animates a rotating mobile suspended from the ceiling.
A mobile provides a prototypical example of animation employing hierarchical
modeling. You will also experiment with lighting, material properties, and shadows.
Besides the code, you are also required to hand in an animation as a
sequence of images that your program generates by reading the contents
of the frame buffer and then writing it to a file in JPEG format.
We do not specify precisely what the mobile should look like, or which
ornaments are suspended from the ends, so there is some artistic freedom
in this assignment. Apart from examples provided from last semester's
students on the first day of class, see a sample of David Baraff's work
on an extremely complex mobile here.
For those of you more artistically inclined, you may wish to look
up the work of
Alexander Calder.
Functionality Requirements
- Your mobile should have at least 5 endpoints decorated with some
three-dimensional ornaments. You are permitted to use any GLU quadrics
or other GLUT objects, with the exception of teapots. This constraint
is being enforced to ensure that we don't end up with the entire class
using glutTeapot() for an ornament on their mobiles.
- Your mobile should be physically accurate to the extent that it
is balanced. You may neglect the weights of the supporting structure.
You do not need to perform any collision detection.
- Your mobile should be represented as a hierarchical object, implemented using
display lists.
- You should render (a portion of) the ceiling to which the top
of the mobile is attached.
- One should have a perspective view of the mobile from
some point lower than the ceiling.
Lighting and Material Properties
- You should illuminate your scene with at least one light source
to emphasize the three-dimensional nature of your ornaments. In
addition there should be enough ambient light to soften the
- You should use smooth shading for your three-dimensional ornaments.
- You should position the light source(s) to throw shadows on the
ceiling (and/or the walls, if your scene contains any). Implementing shadows
is an open-ended problem, and we would like to see you put some thought
into this part of the assignment before the implementation stage.
It is important to document how you solved this problem in your
README file; this is especially crucial if you've done something
spectacular for which you want to receive extra credit!
- You may draw the supporting structure (horizontal bars and
vertical threads) as lines. Only the ornaments need need to throw a
- If geometrically appropriate, the suspended ornaments should
rotate around a vertical axis through their point of attachment.
- The angular velocity of each rotating object should vary
smoothly over time, at least in part randomly.
- Your program mobile should be able to run in two modes. It
should recognize a command line switch -view or
-movie to select between display and movie mode.
- View mode: create a large window, possibly the root window,
and animate your mobile. Your animation should timed so that
the mobile rotates at a slow, mesmerizing pace in display mode.
- Movie mode: Your program should create files
00.jpg ... 89.jpg in a subdirectory movie/.
Each JPEG file should contain one frame of size 640x480 which, when
played in succession with the command animate *.jpg shows
your rotating mobile. You should count on a frame rate of 15
frames/second. Please make sure to adjust your initial conditions
so that your animation actually displays your mobile rotating within
the 90 frames provided.
- If you're having problems with AFS quota space while creating
the animation, you could write your animation frames out to your handin
directory directly.
- Model: proper hierarchical modeling, effective use of display
lists, physical realism, aesthetic appeal.
- Lighting: proper lighting, appropriate surface normals for
shading, correct calculation and rendering of fake shadows, artistic
- Animation: proper rotation, smooth change in angular
velocity for each rotating object, reasonable view in both
display and movie modes.
- Style: appropriate use of OpenGL features, properly
structured program with good code documentation.
- Use texture mapping on ornaments to increase realism or visual
- Allow interaction with the mobile using the mouse.
- Support change of viewpoint in your scene using mouse.
- Allow for soft shadows on the ceiling/walls
- Elaborately modelled objects on the mobile: For those of you
curious about how to model very complicated objects, a frequently used
approach is to use a commercial package, such as 3D Studio Max
or Maya to model the object and then
import it for use within OpenGL. The most common problem with this approach
is finding the right plug-in that will massage the scene file
into a format that is amenable to your OpenGL program. Maya, from
Alias|Wavefront, is available on the WeH 5336 graphics cluster machines. ("maya&")
- Start your assignment early: this is significantly more
complex than Assignment 1.
- Implement your code in stages: basic model, animation,
lighting, shadows, any possible extras. This will limit your
risk and guarantee partial credit if you happen to get stuck
on any particular part of the assignment.
- Use your imagination to create an interesting model, but
make sure a basic model works first.
Further Information
There is no starter code, but you should reuse the image reading and
writing library from assignment 1. A code
snippet shows one way to read pixels from the frame buffer in OpenGL
and write them to a file.
Please submit your code along with your makefile and any other files used (images, etc) to
in a sub-directory called asst3. Running "make" in
this directory should compile your program successfully, and your program should function properly
when run from this directory--if not, you've left out a necessary file.
Within this directory, make a sub-directory called movie, and place the frames for your animation within,
numbered as described above.
As mentioned above, do not forget to include a README file with your submission,
documenting your solution to implementing shadows, and also any extra credit features.
Any undocumented extra credit will be ignored.
Please adhere exactly to the guidelines for directory and file names for your program and your images. We will be generating a class movie with
your image files, and need to run a script on them to do this--for it to work, all names must be uniform.
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Frank Pfenning