15-462 Computer Graphics I

Undergraduate Graphics Lab

We recommend the new undergraduate graphics lab, WeH 5336, for your assignments. This is also where the teaching assistants will hold their office our. In order to obtain access to the lab you need to swipe your CMU ID. Please let the instructor know if you cannot gain access.

The machines, donated by Intel, are named weh5336-n.intro.cs.cmu.edu, where n = 1..25. In order to log into these machines, either at the console or remotely via ssh, you need to carefully follow the instructions to set up some files and directories. Your login name will then be <user>@ANDREW.CMU.EDU.

C++ Users

C is the officially supported language for this course. The example programs and starter code is given in C.

If you will be working with C++ code, your LD_LIBRARY_PATH must be set so that it can link to the C++ libraries. Add to your .login file:

setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /usr/local/lib

Windows Users

You can do most of the programming on elsewhere, say, on your own Windows machine, if you are so inclined. Just make sure it compiles and run properly in the lab before handing it in. We suggest Greg Reshko's easy instructions and zip files to set up your environment.

Objective Caml Users

Objective Caml is also being supported. Starter code and example programs will be provided in parallel with the C releases. For more information about using OCaml in this course, see the 15-462 OCaml Support Page. If you are having difficulties, contact dkitchin@ andrew.cmu.edu for help.

If you will be using OCaml, you will need to change your PATH to include the OCaml bin directory. Add the following line to your .login:

setenv PATH /afs/cs/academic/class/15462/ocaml/bin:$PATH

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Frank Pfenning