15-819K Logic Programming

Fall 2006
Frank Pfenning
TuTh 10:30-11:50
WeH 4623
12 units

Logic programming is a paradigm where computation arises from proof search in a logic according to a fixed, predictable strategy. It thereby unifies logical specification and implementation in a way that is quite different from functional or imperative programming. This course provides a thorough, modern introduction to logic programming. It consists of a traditional lecture component and a project component. The lecture component introduces the basic concepts and techniques of logic programming followed by successive refinement towards more efficient implementations or extensions to richer logical concepts. We plan to cover a variety of logics and operational interpretations. The project component will be one or several projects related to logic programming.

Prerequisites: For undergraduates, 15-317 Constructive Logic or 15-312 Foundations of Programming Languages. No prerequisites for graduate students.

What's New?

Class Material

Schedule Lecture schedule, readings, code
Assignments Details of assignments, due dates, policies
Projects Project information
Handouts Collected handouts
Software Supporting software
Resources Other course resources

Course Information

Lectures TuTh 10:30-11:50, WeH 4623
Office Hours Wed 11:00-12:00, WeH 8117
Notes There is no textbook, but notes on Logic Programming and papers will be handed out
Credit 12 units
Grading 30% Homework, 15% Midterm, 55% Project
Homework Weekly homework is assigned each Thursday and due the following Thursday.
Midterm Date Thu Oct 19, in class.
Closed book.
Project Project topic or topics will be selected after the midterm.
Topics Horn logic, intuitionistic logic, linear logic,
unification, constraints, backward chaining, backtracking,
forward chaining, saturation,
proof terms, higher-order patterns, concurrency,
resource management, logical compilation.
Time permitting: deontic, epistemic, or other modal logics,
reasoning about logic programs.
Mailing List lp-course@cs [.cmu.edu]
Home http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~fp/courses/lp/

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Frank Pfenning