- The tutor lessons are compatible with any genetics course or introductory biology course.
- The major topics are independent and can be used in any order.
- The tutor can be adopted as homework assignments
(no revisions in the classroom activity schedule are necessary).
- It can be adopted for section-meeting or lab activities.
- No correcting/grading is required – the tutor ensures that students complete each problem successfully.
Student Credit Based on Progress.
- Genetics TutorShop progress reports enable you to readily assign credit based on the number of problems completed.
- At any time you can view:
- number of problems completed by each student
- the date a lesson was completed by each student
- the time spent in problem solving by each student
- Only you (and your teaching assistants, if you wish) have access to the TutorShop reports for your class(es).
Designed to be Convenient for Students.
- Students in your course register individually on this website
- The tutor can be run in any browser running Flash.
- Students can access the tutor 24 hours a day throughout the semester
- You (and your teaching assistants) have access to the tutor lessons at no charge.
- The GeneticsTutorShop allows you to monitor how challenging students find the problems.
(View Student Report Information)
- A library of paper-based quiz problems analogous to the tutor problems is available to instructors.
Adopting the Genetics Cognitive Tutor
- Register your course on this website. Go to Registration!
- We will contact you to discuss how to enroll your students.
- Set a schedule for completing the tutor lessons.
- We recommend assigning course points for completing each lesson.
Our experience is that students will not use the tutor if it is completely optional.
A couple lessons may be reserved for extra credit. |